The Diocese is overseen by the Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham, and assisted by the Bishop of Sherwood, Archdeacons and senior staff, and administrated by the Parish support team of the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham Board of Finance (DBF).
The DBF, based at Jubilee House in Southwell, sits at the heart of the Diocese to resource, enable and support Parishes in our shared ministry and mission. The Board is an incorporated, charitable body which is the Diocese’s financial executive and the employer of its staff.

Chief Executive Martin Cooper
As Diocesan Chief Executive, Martin Cooper is responsible for the leadership and managerial oversight of the staff employed by the DBF in all central services provided by the diocese, including Discipleship & Ministry, Safeguarding, Partnerships & Mission, Property (including Glebe), HR, Finance, Buildings, Communications and Education.

Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham Paul Williams
Diocesan Bishop, with overall responsibility for clergy and parishes in this diocese. Read more…

Bishop of Sherwood Andy Emerton
Suffragan Bishop, working closely with the diocesan bishop in overseeing the mission and ministry of this diocese, with particular oversight for vocations, ministry to children and young people and strengthening representations of leaders from our global majority heritage. Read more…

Bishop’s Chaplain Emily Charkham
Supporting the diocesan bishop, including general inquiries relating to ministry licences, Permissions to Officiate, and diocesan-led worship services.

Executive Personal Assistant to the Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham Miki Kwek
Providing diary management and administrative support for the Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham

PA to Bishop of Sherwood Jacky Bates
Providing diary management and administrative support for the Bishop of Sherwood.

Bishop’s Office Administrator Jo Patchett
Providing administrative support to the Bishop’s Office.

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor Julian Hodgson
I am a qualified Social Worker and joined the Church of England as a DSA in 2009. I came to Southwell and Nottingham Diocese in 2020 to set up the current team. My background in Social Work included various management roles in Local Authority mostly in Child Protection. Before becoming a DSA I held the Parish Safeguarding Officer role for 5 years in my own church where I continue to worship.

Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor Lucy Grimsey
I am a qualified Social Worker and joined the Diocesan Safeguarding Team in September 2021. My background has been in Social Work, Child Protection and prior to this I worked for different organisations with children, young people, and vulnerable adults.

Safeguarding Administrator Dawn Todd
Dawn is responsible for clergy and Licensed lay workers’ DBS applications but will also assist parishes needing support with the DBS process or the Parish Dashboard. Dawn also sets up training on Eventbrite and provides other admin assistance to the team.

DST Administrator Katrina Wilson

Diocesan Training Manager & Parish Support Officer Stephanie Spencer
I have a degree in Youth Justice and have spent the majority of my career working in the health and social care sector; predominantly in drug and alcohol services. I am the Chair of Governors at a local primary school where I am also the safeguarding governor. Before joining the safeguarding team, I was the Parish Safeguarding Officer for my church and I continue to sit on the church PCC.

Cathedral Safeguarding Officer & DST Caseworker Penny Turner
I am a qualified social worker who has worked extensively in child protection and therapeutic services such as CAMHS. The latter part of my career 2009 saw a shift to Adult social care specialising in Dementia services. 2015 I joined Lincoln diocese as a case worker and became a deputy DSA and Interim DSA until leaving in 2021. I joined the Nottingham and Southwell DST in May of 2022

Independent Chair of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel (DSAP) Sally Hodges
A qualified social worker, Sally has many years experience in all aspects of safeguarding in both adults and children’s services. Sally has been a Director of Children’s Services in a number of authorities, and Chief Executive of a children’s trust. She has chaired both adults and children’s safeguarding boards in various places in the country and chaired a number of improvement boards in areas that are in special measures.

Finance Director Katrina Proctor
Katrina leads the diocesan Finance team, helping to make long-term financial decisions. Her duties include analysing departmental finances, creating budgets and working with the senior team to ensure the financial health and stability of the Diocese.

Senior Finance Officer Jason Riley
Queries regarding Deanery share statements & allocation of monies received.

Finance Officer Jason Lee
Processing purchase invoices and payments, salaries and payments. Processes sequestration claims, expenses and payments.

Finance Officer Angela Morton
Queries regarding Deanery share statements & allocation of monies received.

Gift Aid Admin Jill Stanforth
Practical support and processing help for all parishes claiming GA from HMRC. Templates provided.

Property Coordinator Ian Taylor
Ian is the Property repairs administrator and co-ordinator with responsibility for repairs and the maintenance of clergy housing. This involves dealing with day to day repairs and other programmes of work within the diocese.

Property Admin Jo Page
Provision of Clergy housing including repairs, maintenance, sales and purchases.

Digital Giving Adviser Anne Coyne
Training and equipping parishes to increase their giving, and generate new and different forms of income to use in their ministry and mission

Interim Director of Communications Gary Pitt
Gary oversees internal and external communications. He helps to support, resource and champion local churches in their communication, as well as supporting projects and initiatives from across the diocese. For 2024 this includes a particular focus on the development and delivery of the refreshed diocesan vision.

Communications & Resources Manager Laura Frank
Laura is responsible for the development and delivery of creative projects and learning resources across our Diocese to help parishes grow disciples of Christ. She helps to run our larger digital platforms such as the website and learning Hub, as well as supporting with a range of internal and external communications.

Digital Communications Officer Lola Adeleke
Lola supports the development and delivery of creative diocesan communications and resources across digital and social media platforms, focusing on informing, inspiring, and connecting with diverse and growing audiences while strengthening support to parishes as they grow disciples of Christ.

Director of Discipleship & Ministry James Halstead
James heads up the Discipleship and Ministry team, helping parishes to grow disciples of Christ with compassion, confidence and courage, and is responsible for leadership development for lay and ordained leaders.

Diocesan Director of Ordinands Craig Hunt
Support Clergy and Lay Leaders in discerning, nurturing and fulfilling vocations in the whole Body of Christ with particular attention to ordained ministries. Oversee IME 1-4, advice on Theological Training Colleges, Equality and Diversity

Principal of Wellbeing and Ministerial Development Sarah Patten
To enable clergy to flourish and grow in ministry. Includes responsibility for wellbeing, spiritual direction, sabbaticals, MDR and funding for retreats and training. Sarah is the initial point of contact for clergy spouses.

Growing Younger Disciples Lead Ruth Lee
To help churches and church schools reach a new generation, working with them to implement their own strategic plans for Growing Younger Disciples in the 0-18 age range. Rebuild, Wild and Free

Office Manager & Training co-ordinator Catriona Gundlach
Provides administrative support for the day to day activities of the Discipleship & Ministry and Partnership and Mission teams.

Admin Assistant Kate Hurst
Provides administrative support for the day to day activities of the Discipleship & Ministry and Partnership and Mission teams.

YLC Apprentice Track Lead Duncan Dean
Development of younger Christian Leaders in the 18-30 age range via the Inter programme and the Apprentice Track.

Warden of Readers Sue Waterston
Collaborative and strategic leadership to equip and encourage Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs) to serve in their local contexts and champion the Diocesan Vision: ‘Growing Disciples of Christ with compassion, confidence and courage

Children’s and Youth Work Trainer and Enabler Tom Ranger
Supports local churches in developing their children’s and youth work through a variety of training opportunities, providing resources to develop good practice and discipleship models, and ongoing support through mentoring, prayer, and connection.

Diocesan Chaplaincy Lead David McCoulough
Ensures diocese works well for the common good with other churches, statutory and voluntary agencies in the County and City. Links with key partners such as Transforming Notts Together, Nottingham Citizens, Refugee Roots. Responsibility for Caring for Creation (Environment) and Sector Ministry support eg: Prisons, Healthcare, Emergency Services.

Workplace Chaplain Jo Tatum
Enquiries about planning mission events to places of work. Supporting people through redundancy/workplace stress/disciplinary or grievance procedures where they work. Supporting parishes that want to explore town/high street Chaplaincy. How to engage/build partnership with larger employees in a parish. How to offer occasional offices into the workplace.

Partnerships Officer Liam O’Boyle
Support and equip churches in serving their communities compassionately, responding to Jesus’ call to “love our neighbour” and to grow deeper in our discipleship by engaging in serving the communities we live in. Main focus is working alongside churches, Faith Groups, Local Authorities and The Charity Sector to tackle together the damaging effects of poverty and homelessness across the city and county.

Programme Manager Neil Peake
SDF supported projects, Growing Disciples Plan (parish growth plans / strategic planning), Growing Disciples Fund & NWCs Fund.

Project Support Officer Imogen Mellor
Imogen plays a vital role in assisting the Programme Manager to ensure that the Project Management Office have the right processes and systems in place for a successful implementation of the change initiatives. This involves working in partnership with local churches to grow disciples.

Church Buildings Support Officer Stephen Watson
Stephen works closely with our worshipping communities, encouraging and advising in relation to management, repair and use of church buildings. He also assists some of our churches to navigate larger repair and capital building projects to help enable realisation of the refreshed diocesan vision.

Education Director Nigel Frith
Leadership of diocesan education services, school links and support, pastoral support for leaders, academisation and training.

Deputy Director Samantha Dennis
Safeguarding, MAT guidance, training, monitoring standards, school support.

Assistant to the Director of Education Chrissie Goodridge
Assists the Director of Education, facilitates events and ensures administrative systems are in place to maintain good communication with schools, parishes and other educational partners.

Schools Advisor Anne Lumb
RE, Collective Worship and Christian Ethos support, SIAMS support, school support, training.

School Buildings Officer Jess Lane
Guidance and support for building work and building issues. First point of call for help with historical documents of trust, ownership and land.

Diocesan Admissions & Governance Lead Alison Jacobson
Guidance on governance, guidance on admissions.

HR Manager Janet Brothwell
First point of contact for HR queries (internal and external), Support for parishes, Policies & Procedures, Employment law, Ecclesiastical Terms of Service measure, Case work, Workforce planning

HR Officer Jo Padmore
First point of contact for HR recruitment queries (employees and office holders), managing the recruitment process from advertising to appointment and induction of new employees. Advice on general HR queries and support to the HR Manager.

Registrar Amanda Redgate
We provide legal advice and assistance to clergy, parish officers and the general public on the following: 1. Faculties – permissions for alteration to churches and churchyards. 2. PCC issues and responsibilities. 3. Life Events – baptisms, marriages and burials. 4.Licences and Patronage – procedures relating to the appointment of clergy. We maintain Diocesan records.

Registry Clerk Eleanor Dunleavy
Administrative assistance for the Executive Support team, and the office of the Archdeacons and Chief Executive. Supporting the work of the Diocesan Registrar and Bishop’s Legal Officer.

Archdeacon of Nottingham Phil Williams
My role is to support the mission of the church that is exercised by clergy and parishes in the Nottingham Archdeaconry in close collaboration with the bishops. Archdeacons’ lead the appointments’ process and support churchwardens in a vacancy. Archdeacons have specific responsibilities in relation to church buildings, pastoral re-organisation and clergy discipline. They bring matters of encouragement and concern to the attention of the bishop. Read more…

Archdeacon of Newark Tors Ramsey
My role is to support the mission of the church that is exercised by clergy and parishes in the Newark Archdeaconry in close collaboration with the bishops. Archdeacons’ lead the appointments’ process and support churchwardens in a vacancy. Archdeacons have specific responsibilities in relation to church buildings, pastoral re-organisation and clergy discipline. They bring matters of encouragement and concern to the attention of the bishop. Read more…

Associate Archdeacon Richard Kellett
Richard works alongside the Archdeacons to provide substantial leadership, vision setting and support of embedding of diocesan vision and priorities for Growing Disciples of Christ at a local level. He has a particular focus on those benefices in vacancy or in times of transition.

Bishop’s Advisor for Urban and Estates Mission Peter Huxtable

Executive PA to CE/Archdeacons Jo Padmore
Providing Executive PA support and managing the office of three members of the Bishop’s Senior Staff Team. First point of contact for clergy vacancies/recruitment, Bishop’s Council, Diocesan Synod and Triennium elections.

Administrative Officer Sharon Vocaturo
Providing Executive PA support and managing the office of three members of the Bishop’s Senior Staff Team. First point of contact for clergy vacancies/recruitment, Bishop’s Council, Diocesan Synod and Triennium elections.

Diocesan Environment Officer (DEO) Robert Cleave
Caring for Creation (Environment) across the diocese. Supporting and encouraging Eco Parishes. Working towards the diocese being Net Zero Carbon (NZC) by 2030.
There is a shared management responsibility for the Deanery Administrator between the Area Dean and the Executive PA to the CE at Jubilee House.

Bassetlaw & Bawtry and Newark & Southwell Deaneries Administrator Paula Carlin
As Deanery Administrator I am an integral part of the Deanery, supporting the delivery of the Diocesan vision of Growing Disciples of Christ with compassion, confidence and courage through efficient administration and by providing high-level administrative and executive support for the Area Dean, the members of the Deanery Leadership Teams/Standing Committees (DLT/SC) and the wider Deanery.

Nottingham North and Nottingham South Deaneries Administrator Kirsty Cowley
As Deanery Administrator I am an integral part of the Deanery, supporting the delivery of the Diocesan vision of Growing Disciples of Christ with compassion, confidence and courage through efficient administration and by providing high-level administrative and executive support for the Area Dean, the members of the Deanery Leadership Teams/Standing Committees (DLT/SC) and the wider Deanery.

West Bingham Deaneries Administrator Katharine Dryden
As Deanery Administrator I am an integral part of the Deanery, supporting the delivery of the Diocesan vision of Growing Disciples of Christ with compassion, confidence and courage through efficient administration and by providing high-level administrative and executive support for the Area Dean, the members of the Deanery Leadership Teams/Standing Committees (DLT/SC) and the wider Deanery.

Mansfield Deanery Administrator Judith Asquith
As Deanery Administrator I am an integral part of the Deanery, supporting the delivery of the Diocesan vision of Growing Disciples of Christ with compassion, confidence and courage through efficient administration and by providing high-level administrative and executive support for the Area Dean, the members of the Deanery Leadership Teams/Standing Committees (DLT/SC) and the wider Deanery.

Newstead, East Bingham and Gedling Deaneries Portia Newling
As Deanery Administrator I am an integral part of the Deanery, supporting the delivery of the Diocesan vision of Growing Disciples of Christ with compassion, confidence and courage through efficient administration and by providing high-level administrative and executive support for the Area Dean, the members of the Deanery Leadership Teams/Standing Committees (DLT/SC) and the wider Deanery.

DAC Sect./Care of Churches Jonathan Pickett
Here to support you look after our Church Buildings. Faculties, DAC and Churchyards

Admin Assistant Eleanor Dunleavy
Administrative assistance for the Chief Executive’s Office, and the office of the Archdeacons. Supporting the work of the Diocesan Registrar and Bishop’s Legal Officer.