1st December
Today, we begin a new Church Year. We give thanks for all that has been and what shall be. We pray for Disciples to Grow Wider, Younger and Deeper across our diocese. As we begin the season of Advent, we pray: Lord Jesus, light of the world, born in David’s city of Bethlehem, born like him to be a king: be born in our hearts at Christmas, be King of our lives today. Amen. Amen. Please also pray for The Province of the Episcopal Church
30th November
We pray for those who support rough sleepers. Please also pray for The Diocese of Kita-Kanto – The Nippon Sei Ko Kai.
Archbishop of York’s Visit to the Diocese
"Each of us has a part to play in each other's lives, and stories for God's purposes in the world." Last weekend on the 22nd-24th November the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, took part in a missionary visit across our Diocese. Over the time he visited various organisations and churches, hearing what is happening in our diocese and sharing some of his story. On Friday afternoon, Archbishop Stephen visited Nottingham City Transport with our Workplace Chaplain, Revd. Jo Tatum. The team at
29th November
We pray for those who are homeless. Please also pray for The Diocese of Kisangani – Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo.
28th November
We pray for the Discipleship & Ministry Team: Director of Discipleship & Ministry, James Halstead, and the team, Sarah, Craig, Ruth, Catriona, Kate, Duncan, Tom, David, Jo, Liam and Sue. Please also pray for The Diocese of Kirinyaga – The Anglican Church of Kenya.
27th November
We pray for all our Licensed Lay Ministers, Readers, Local Missional Leaders & authorised ministers across the diocese and give thanks for their important ministry. Please also pray for The Diocese of Kinshasa – Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo.
26th November
We pray for the Finance Department: Finance Director, Katrina Proctor, and the team, Jason, Jason, Angela, Jill, Ian, Jo and Anne. Please also pray for The Diocese of Kinkiizi – The Church of the Province of Uganda.
25th November
We pray for the Education Department: Diocesan Director of Education, Nigel Frith, and the team, Sam, Chrissie, Anne, Jess and Alison. Please also pray for The Diocese of Kindu – Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo.
24th November
Christ the King: Today, we end the Church’s year, and we celebrate the Universal Kingship of Jesus Christ. We remind ourselves that in a world that can often seem so uncertain, Jesus has won the victory over sin through the Cross, and we have the promise of his glory before us. We pray today for all those situations in our world where this message most urgently needs to be heard today. Please also pray for The Anglican Church of South
23rd November
We pray for Staff at the Minster Office. Please also pray for The Diocese of Kimberley and Kuruman – The Anglican Church of Southern Africa.