Our chaplains offer confidential pastoral care, religious services, spiritual guidance, and counselling to anyone at times of need, wherever it’s needed, and in a wide range of workplace settings.
What is Chaplaincy?
Chaplains are appointed to work in all kinds of places outside the normal life of churches and their congregations. They can provide pastoral care and support, sometimes simply listening and signposting to other agencies that might be able to support.
They can offer spiritual guidance to people of all faith, and none. Chaplains work in a variety of contexts and settings, sharing the love of Christ in everyday settings.
Training & Equipping to Chaplaincy Settings

Workplace Chaplaincy
Chaplains visit people in a wide range of places of work to offer support, and to listen. Their support is unconditional, non-judgmental, independent, and confidential for people of all faith and none. Chaplains listen to people whatever their concerns, it may be work connected, but it may be family, financial or relational or health problems. Chaplains are also able to signpost to other agencies that can offer practical support with the wellbeing of the whole person.

Hospital Chaplaincy
NHS trusts in our area have specialist chaplains from the diocese, some who are NHS employees and are responsible for patients and staff in their care. Most hospital chaplains are ordained, and come from a range of denominations. They are supported by volunteers from local churches. There are also chaplains linked to many hospices.

Emergency Services
Chaplains support the Fire and Rescue, Police and Ambulance services, although away from the public gaze. Women and men of the emergency service face situations that many of us could not possibly imagine, and chaplains offer a chance for them to talk through their feelings, to pray with them, and offer encouragement and hope when they are exhausted. Chaplains help people to remember and honour those that have paid the ultimate sacrifices on behalf of others.

Prison chaplains deliver Faith and Pastoral Care for thousands of prisoners across the region. Their work includes ensuring the provision of weekly acts of worship for all major world faiths. They meet prisoners when they arrive and offer a listening ear to staff and prisoners in times of personal crisis.

Sports chaplains
Sports chaplains offer pastoral and spiritual support to staff, coaches, players and fans, they can be a valuable independent listening ear, helping members of sporting groups through the challenges they face.

Community Chaplaincy
Community Chaplains are usually to be found on the street of your local high street whilst you are shopping or having a cuppa; they are there for shoppers and small business owners. They can offer support and prayer for the everyday ups and downs of life. A chance conversation or a brief prayer with a Community Chaplain in the middle of a busy high street can be sometimes just what is needed to encourage people to carry on their day with hope.

Higher Education Chaplaincy
Higher Education chaplains provide pastoral and faith support to university students and staff of any faith or none. All are ordained. Coordinating chaplains work with multifaith teams to help facilitate chaplaincy activities in the university. This includes advising on faith-related matters, leading acts of worship, helping during times of crisis, and working closely with other support services. Posts are both full and part time, and some chaplains fulfil dual roles in the university and a local parish church.