DISCOVER OUR VISION Welcome to our Diocese hands gardening caring for creation
As part of the Church of England we serve over a million people through our network of around 300 churches across the city and county of Nottinghamshire, with two in South Yorkshire, and 73 church schools. We seek to live for Jesus and make his grace and truth known for everyone in our world today.

Our Vision

We believe there is nothing better anyone can do with their life than become a follower of Jesus Christ. For this reason we are committed to Growing Disciples, reaching wider in every community, connecting with younger generations to pass on the Good News of Jesus, and nurturing deeper roots of faith.

Our Diocese

We serve over a million people and represent the Church of England in Nottinghamshire and two parishes in South Yorkshire, sharing our faith, supporting communities and seeking the transforming presence of God to express Christianity in diverse, inclusive and vibrant ways across urban, suburban, estate, rural village, market town and post-industrial contexts.

Our People

Every person in each local church is called to join in with the mission of God. We seek to help and care for people in all the communities across our diocese, making a difference in living for Christ.


14th September

Please pray for St Matthew’s CofE Primary School, Normanton-on-Trent. Please also pray for The Diocese of Inhambane – Igreja Anglicana de Mocambique e Angola.

diocese of southwell and Nottingham building from outside


Join Our Team

We’re always on the look out for talented and passionate people to join our ever growing team of people. Take a look at our vacancies below.


Journey of Generosity: Deanery Roadshows

We’re excited to announce a series of Deanery Roadshows focused on encouraging generosity across our diocese. Aimed for clergy, church wardens, treasurers, and PCCs these events will provide important information about Parish Share for the next 10 years, helpful insights into our vision over this time, and the shared responsibility to ensure that ministry continues to reach the 1.1 million people within our diocese. At each event attendees will gain access to resources that can support their parish’s journey towards greater […]

Life Events

There are a range of services to mark special and significant moments in life.
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