In every part of the diocese, our mission and calling is to Grow Disciples of Christ with COMPASSION, CONFIDENCE and COURAGE.
The Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham is a diverse community of distinctive parts
We share a belief that God has a plan and purpose for everyone, and it all starts with Jesus; there is nothing better anyone can do with their life than to follow him.
We warmly invite you to be part of our diocese.

Our place within the Anglican Communion
The Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, and is part of the ancient See of York. It is bounded by Sheffield Diocese to the north, the Diocese of Derby to the west, the Diocese of Leicester to the South, and Lincoln to the East. We work closely with those of other faiths and of no faith, with Christians of all denominations, and with charities and organisations who share common values. The Diocese has a formal overseas link with the Dioceses of Natal.
Our Collaborative Partnerships

Our accountabilities and responsibilities
We are a richly diverse organisation seeking to work together through mutual cooperation and consensus, polices and governance. The diocese is governed by many people at multiple levels including parish, deanery, area and diocesan level, and nationally. More information about leadership, governance and structures within the Church of England