Our aim is to Grow Disciples through courageous community engagement – enabling people to encounter God and follow Jesus and helping us to bring about change and social transformation. We step out in faith beyond our church walls, bring attention to those who feel marginalised or forgotten in our communities, and answer God’s call to engage with society in a spirit of humility, generosity and love.
Social Injustice
We support and equip every parish in the Diocese in serving their communities compassionately, responding to Jesus’ call to “love our neighbour” living out His radical hospitality and welcome to all.
Practical care for our neighbour, action in tackling poverty, and seeking justice are fundamental to demonstrating the love of God to all – they go hand in hand with proclaiming the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and in encouraging deeper discipleship from all who follow Him. Our mission demonstrates our concern for the environment, campaigns for those with little or no voice, and practical action for the lost, marginalised, oppressed and forgotten of our own communities.

Our team work together with communities, local authorities, charities, workplace chaplaincies, other churches, and non-Christian faith groups, engaging with the needs of those struggling financially, or feeling socially isolated or alienated, such as rough sleepers, refugees and asylum seekers.
Racial Injustice
Across the Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham there is increasing racial diversity, particularly in our city. Whether we live in the city, a market town, a post-industrial town or a little village, we long to be a church that increasingly looks like the communities we are called to serve.
To reach every person with the Good News of Jesus Christ we need to be play our part in promoting racial justice.
Advisory Group
In 2016 the Diocese gave responsibility for the championing of Racial Justice to the Bishop of Sherwood and established Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Advisory Group to meet twice a year.
This group, now known as the Global Majority Heritage Advisory Group, gathers to provide an opportunity for the Diocese to listen to those GMH leaders and laity, and to plan for strategic change in this area.
The current chair of the group is The Reverend Francis Wainaina, a retired priest living in the Diocese.
If you have an interest in finding out more about the group then please do contact us.
We feel it is important to highlight existing networks of support for those GMH members of our churches.
AMEN – https://www.amenanglican.org.uk/
CMEAC – https://www.churchofengland.org/about/views/race-and-ethnicity
Teahouse – https://theteahouse.org/
UKME Ordinand & Curates – https://ukmeordinands.wixsite.com/ukmeordinandsandcura
Vocations Mentor Directory – https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/vocations/mentor-directory
Marsha’s Story
Densel’s Story
Naeem’s Story
Further Resources
Our Learning hub has a number of resources from small group material to recorded seminars that can help you engage with this topic.
Please check it out here: learning.southwell.anglican.org
Transforming Notts Together was set up by the Church Urban Fund and the Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham as a joint venture to provide support to churches and people who would like to do more in their communities. Our partnership builds and equips local congregations to tackle poverty, debt, dementia, homelessness, loneliness, and greater community cohesion.
Nottingham Citizens is an alliance of over 30 civil society institutions comprised of faith groups, charities, trade unions, schools and universities, all working together to make Nottingham a better place to live. Together, we organise communities to act for social justice and the common good, developing the leadership capacity of our members so they can hold our cities’ decision-makers to account on the issues that matter to them.
A Christian charity that helps asylum seekers and refugees to build relationships and navigate the complexities of building a new life in the UK. The diocese is a member of the Multi Agency Forum all working with asylum seekers and refugees to help them settle into the city and county and access the services they need. More information and how to get involved.
Housing Need
Churches and Christian-run projects offer a lifeline to homeless and vulnerably housed people, ranging from night shelters and drop-in centres, to befriending projects. Hundreds of amazing volunteers love and serve, growing in their following of Jesus Christ working with some of the most marginalized people in society. Read The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Commission on Housing, Homelessness and Communities, “Coming Home”.