Over the past few years we have undertaken a journey with parishes across the diocese to understand some of the opportunities and challenges they face. We are so grateful for the valuable feedback, as well as stories of God at work in our communities that you have shared. Through prayer, consultation and careful discernment we’ve worked to refresh our vision and strategy from now until 2030.
Our Compelling Vision
We recognise that our world is in desperate need of hope. In a post-Covid age and cost of living crisis, with our country’s structures and systems under pressure and the increasing mental health challenges facing young people, the cry for hope is clear. A hope that brings transformation and new life, healing and wholeness. We believe that hope is found in Jesus Christ, which the church is uniquely placed to share in every community.
For the city, towns, villages of Nottinghamshire and beyond
Our Calling and Mission
Growing Disciples of Christ with Compassion, Confidence and Courage
(Our Motivation)
To meet the world’s deepest needs with Jesus’ love
Jesus’ first response to people, no matter what their situation or background, was one of compassion. As disciples we will be orientated towards those who are struggling, to the poor, to those in need, to those who are suffering. Our desire is that people encounter Christ and experience healing, hope and salvation.
(Our Foundation)
To root our life and faith in Jesus
As disciples we can be confident in our relationship with Christ through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. We are to have deep roots, to be well watered, confident in the gospel, despite the challenges we face in the world. Confidence is the willingness to live out our primary identity in Christ.
(Our action)
To share Jesus with all our hearts
As disciples we will have the courage to tell our story with all ourheart. Followers of Jesus are to share their faith, inviting others to discover and step into this relationship with Christ themselves.
7 Areas of Focus
We have identified 7 areas of focus for mission and ministry in parishes and across the diocese. We hope these will act as reference and review points and drive investment and prioritisation of time, energy and resources

Inspiring Worship
Because coming together to meet with God should be the most captivating hour of anyone’s week

Reaching Younger
Because Jesus is the surest foundation for life

Enhancing Diversity
Because each person matters to Jesus and is precious in his sight

Growing Leaders
Because the harvest is plentiful

Because there is nothing better anyone can do with their life than become a follower of Jesus

Because we serve a God of abundance and every good gift comes from him

Nurturing Prayer
Because prayer changes everything
What Next?
We believe this is a vision we can all embrace individually and together. A life full of compassion, confidence and courage in Christ is a calling that applies not only to our churches and schools, but also to each of us personally.
Recognising this, we would like to invite you to take time in prayer to discern how God might be speaking to you. It might be there are particular areas of focus he has placed on your heart, or perhaps a particular context or community where you want to see living hope. We would encourage you to share and explore this in your church, school, workplace, home or community setting and find ways to journey together in this mission
We hope this refreshed vision inspires and encourages you on your journey of faith, and we pray it may be a catalyst for many more in our communities to discover the living hope of Jesus Christ.