Daily Prayer

MAY BANK HOLIDAY - As today is a bank holiday and we are encouraged to take a rest day, weremember those who cannot. Those who work to care for us and respond to our emergencies.Those who serve us as we shop and enjoy our leisure time. Lord, thank you for those who serve and thank you for our Servant King, Jesus.We also pray for The Diocese of Western Tanganyika – The Anglican Church of Tanzania.

PENTECOST - Pray for the witness and evangelism of our local worshipping communities. TheSpirit of the Living God falls upon the Church and she is renewed. Today we pray at Pentecost forthe revival of our witness to Christ and our Personal commitment to grow deeper in our faith.'Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful people and kindle in us the fire of your love.'Today, offer to pray for a friend or a neighbour, a colleague in the workplace,

TKC Day 10 - Pray for the witness and evangelism of our Cathedral.We are seen clearly and valued immensely by God who empowers and lifts us up. With thisknowledge comes a gracious invitation to us as the friends of God to be those who nurture others,especially to see those who are ignored and neglected by society. We are to pay attention to theworld in the same loving way God pays attention to us.We also pray for The Diocese of South

TKC Day 9 - Pray for the witness and evangelism of Christians in civic life.In Isaiah 41:10 we are encouraged not to fear, as God is with us to support and accompany usthrough life’s hardships. Let us shift our focus away from the storm and waves that threaten tooverwhelm our lives, and look to Him, our hope and our salvation.We also pray for The Diocese of Central Tanganyika – The Anglican Church of Tanzania.

TKC Day 8 - Pray for the witness and evangelism through our market town centre churches.In the centuries before this Saviour was born, there were so many indications that Father God isone who saves. However, with the arrival, life, and death of Jesus, our experience of the God whosaves us from sin and its consequences is taken to a new level.We also pray for The Diocese of Tanga – The Anglican Church of Tanzania

TKC Day 7 - Prayer for the witness and evangelism in our rural communities.In Psalm 139 we hear how God knows everything about us; He knows our thoughts before we have them, He knows our words before we speak them, and knows more about us than we do ourselves. This is why we can have utter confidence that He hears all of our prayers.We also pray for The Diocese of Tamale – The Church of the Province of West Africa

TKC Day 6 - Prayer for the witness and evangelism in our outer estates.We pray for those who are unable to share their faith. Hea Woo* was imprisoned in China andNorth Korea for many years, but she didn’t give up her faith, leading other prisoners to Jesus:"Though we were afraid of what would happen in North Korea, we could sing and get comfort and power from the Lord and give thanks to the Lord who was with us in this

TKC Day 5 - Pray for the witness and evangelism of our local partner churches.Today, all over the world, churches are meeting people at their point of need in practical life-changing ways: providing warm hubs in cold cities, food banks for those struggling with the cost of living, help with starting micro-businesses, and reaching out to young people who feel society has nothing for them. By ourselves, we run out of strength, patience, or determination; but as we pray ‘Come

On 7th Sunday of Easter and TKC Day 4 - Pray for the witness and evangelism of our diocesan link churches. The Ascended Jesus prays for his followers. He prays for the Unity of the Church and we commit ourselves in our diocesan vision to be one Church 'contending for the gospel'. We pray for all Christian people in our diocese for our common witness and the gift of our different traditions. Pray for all members of the Anglican Communion

TKC Day 3 - Pray for the witness and evangelism through our prison, hospital, university andworkplace Chaplains. Building community, breaking down hostilities: this is the work of our Blessed Lord, so much needed in our troubled world.We also pray for Te Pihopatanga o Tairawhiti – The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia (Maori Tikanga).

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