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Students and Young Adults

If you’re between the ages of 18-30, we have lots of ways for you to invest in
your discipleship journey. We believe this is such an important season in your
life and we’re excited to support you in whatever way we can.


The Internship is an exciting opportunity for 18 to 30-year-olds to invest in their discipleship and leadership by serving in a local church between September and July each year.

You will be a part of a dynamic cohort of other interns, students and young adults who are committing to the same journey of learning what it means to live everyday with Jesus, become like Him and seek his purposes in our churches and beyond as you track with the teaching of The Apprentice Track. Interns will also receive extra theological and ministry training, as well as the opportunity to spend time in different contexts within the Church of England throughout the year.

The internship is an amazing opportunity to grow in leadership, get to know your gifts, and develop your sense of calling. This alxl happens in the context of serving in a local church, where you get to put into practice all that you are learning. This could be in any area of ministry, e.g. children’s or youth work, worship, prayer, media & communications, community engagement, and more. You’ll be a part of a church staff team that will invest in you and support you throughout the year.

The programme is fully funded as you are supported with diocesan housing and living expenses. Our vision is for these to be houses to be houses of prayer, hospitality, and community as apprentices of Jesus journeying together.

Applications for September are open. Please get in touch if you are interested in joining us!


The Apprentice Track is our discipleship programme for all 18-30s who want to go deeper in their journey of following Jesus. Starting in October and finishing in July, this is a 10-month discipleship journey for those who are set on pursuing Jesus with their whole lives – learning what it means to be with Jesus, become like Him, and do the things he did. We believe it all starts with God’s presence and are committed to shared practices that put our relationship with God front and centre in our lives. We believe that as we create space to be present with Him, with one another, and with ourselves, we will be transformed into his likeness.


The programme is intentionally designed to sit alongside normal working life or study – in practice this looks like committing to a monthly gathering for worship and teaching, meeting in small groups throughout the year, and adopting a daily rhythm of reading scripture and prayer.




The Leadership Track is a space for those in leadership to be supported as they step into what God is calling them to, both in the church and wider world. We believe leadership really matters and is worth investing in. Including a mixture of retreats and midweek evenings, this track offers teaching on the spiritual life of a leader as well as practical tools for the journey.

You’ll discuss what it means to discern God’s will, how to lead from your authentic self, as well as how to handle conflict well and create cultures that thrive. You’ll hear from established leaders about their own leadership journeys, and importantly, you’ll be part of a dynamic cohort of leaders – growing in honesty and friendship with one another as you listen, talk, and pray together. If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch.

To keep up to date with what’s happening, head to @theapprenticetrack