We believe in the ministry of all believers and that every disciple has their part to play. There are many opportunities to grow in faith and discipleship, and to find ways of training and serving which are appropriate to each person.
Explore Your Calling

Moses was called to lead the Israelites our of captivity in Egypt. Simon and Andrew were called to leave their nets and follow Jesus, and Paul was called to be a missionary to the rest of the world.
As we read the Bible, we see how people are called by God. Some people agree straight away like Paul, others like Jeremiah feel inadequate, and Jonah ran away from his calling. God calls each of us in different ways throughout our life.
The ordained ministry of deacons and priests is another calling that some explore. If you or others around you feel that you are being called to ordained ministry and want to explore further, please speak to your Vicar or Chaplain in the first instance.
Joanna – My Vocations Story
Nigel – My Vocations Story
Nigel shares his sense of calling to serve the church as an Assistant Ordained Minister.
Alex – my Vocations Story
Daniel’s Story
Daniel shares his sense of calling to serve the church as a Vicar.
Bishop Andy on his Calling
Bishop Andy shares his reflections on calling in conversation with Bishop Paul.
Hear Stories
Hear some of our new clergy share their journey of calling.

Lay Ministry
Ministry isn’t just for those who are ordained. We believe in the ‘ministry of all believers’. We want to equip everyone and have lots of opportunities through the School of Discipleship.

Vocational Resources
Resource to help you discern where God is calling you to serve in his church, and his world. These resources will help you to reflect and pray, and discover your calling.