Announcing our new Learning Hub!
At the beginning of September, the Discipleship & Ministry team launched the Learning Hub – a new online platform providing a place to register for and access courses, events and learning resources.
By creating an account on the Hub, you will be able to easily register for a range of courses and events that the diocese already offers, alongside access to new online courses and recommended learning resources. You can select particular topics you are interested in to create a personalised Learning Plan, and effortlessly share events and resources with friends.
The Hub was launched with the bookings for this year’s Diocesan Conference. It also includes a variety of online courses and events provided by the team including God’s Story, a 10-week Bible overview course which can be completed online,Called to Serve, a 4-week series taking place in November helping you to explore God’s call on your life, and an upcoming series of online Diversity Workshops.
Through the Learning Hub you will also be able to access useful learning resources such as articles, external training events and conferences, and videos such as ‘Hopeful Words, Hurting World’, a seminar series on the Old Testament prophets which can be used as a small group resource.
The Learning Hub is split into six categories. Discover learning resources relating to our diocesan vision of Growing Wider, Growing Younger and Growing Deeper, alongside content to support you in Exploring the Call of God, Serving the Church and for Clergy & Lay Leaders.
The Learning Hub has received great feedback so far, with comments including:
- “Love that there are so many options for self-study both from the diocese and other agencies. I am itching to watch some talks and take a look at some short courses!”
- “This is simply brilliant! Really great to see how the resources will benefit many.”
- “Very user friendly and easy to navigate.”
- “Felt Unrushed and relaxed exploring subjects I am unfamiliar with … especially those I might think not relevant to me because of my age.
Click here to register for an account on the Learning Hub.