Schools Taking Action to Protect Our World
During Thy Kingdom Come, schools across Nottinghamshire embarked on an inspiring mission to pray, clean up litter, and advocate for God’s world.
Bishop’s Address to Diocesan Synod
The Southwell and Nottingham Diocesan Synod met on 13th May 2023 in Holy Trinity Church, Southwell. As a body of representatives of clergy and lay people from across the deaneries, the Diocesan Synod usually meets biannually along with the bishops, archdeacons, diocesan members on General Synod and other senior post holders in the diocese, seeking to work collaboratively to move forward the mission of the Church. Bishop Paul addressed the Diocesan Synod.
St Peter’s, Ravenshead Gains Silver Eco Award
As Christians, we believe that everything on earth belongs to God and that we have a sacred responsibility to take care of it.
The County gathers in Southwell Minster for a Service to Celebrate the Coronation
Over 500 people, many representing organisations from across the county, gathered in Southwell Minster on Sunday 7th May for a service to celebrate the Coronation of their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla. The Dean of Southwell, the Very Revd Nicola Sullivan, offered a welcome and Sir John Peace, the Lord-Lieutenant and His Majesty the King’s Representative in Nottinghamshire, shared a personal reflection recognising the significance of the Coronation as a historic moment in our nation. Sir John also paid
A Special Coronation Start the Day on Good Friday with Bishop Paul and Sarah (155) – 5th May 2023
In a special Start the Day message on the first Friday in May, Bishop Paul and Sarah read and reflect on Psalm 122, which for centuries has been sung at the very beginning of the Coronation Service.
Deaf Awareness Week: BSL Interpreted Services at Christ Church Chilwell
Ensuring that church is a welcoming and inclusive place for all people is at the heart of offering BSL interpretation in the church services. Twice a month, services are signed at Christ Church, Chilwell, which means that Deaf people can attend.
Join in with Our Schools’ “Don’t Trash Our Future” Campaign
From 22nd to 26th May, schools across Nottinghamshire have been invited to pray, clear some litter and remind everybody to not "trash our future".
Long-Serving Organist honoured with Royal Maundy Money
A long-serving organist and director of music in the diocese was honoured to receive Royal Maundy money from King Charles III at York Minster on Maundy Thursday.
St James’ Church Joins the Small Pilgrim Places Network
St James, Normanton on Soar has become the first church in the diocese – and second in the East Midlands – to join the Small Pilgrim Places Network.
Bishop Paul’s Easter Morning Sermon in Southwell Minister
Acts 10:34-43 and John 20:1-18 May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, Lord our Rock and our Redeemer. I don’t know if you recognise the name Mel Blanc? He was the voice behind all of the cartoon characters in Loony Tunes, which included Bugs Bunny. And regarded as one of the most prolific voice actors in entertainment history. At the end of every movie, Porky Pig would come on the screen, and