May 29th
On 7th Sunday of Easter and Anglican Communion Sunday, we pray for the witness and evangelism of our diocesan link churches The Ascended Jesus prays for his followers. He prays for the Unity of the Church and we commit ourselves in ourdiocesan vision to be one Church 'contending for the gospel'. We pray for all Christian people in our diocese for our common witness and the gift of our different traditions. Pray for all members of the Anglican Communion around
May 28th
On Day 3 of Thy Kingdom Come, we pray for the witness and evangelism through our prison, hospital, university and workplace Chaplains. We also pray for Netherfield, St George (Vacant; Area Dean: John Allister; Lay Chair: Tony Mellor; Churchwardens:Julie Ball, Lillian Barnett) and The Diocese of Luapula – The Church of the Province of Central Africa.
May 27th
On Thy Kingdom Come Day 2, we pray for the witness and evangelism through our Church. We also pray for Lambley, Holy Trinity (Michael Johnson, Jean Lamb) and the Diocese of Western Louisiana – The Episcopal Church (VII (7) Province).
May 26th
On Ascension Day, we pray for the start of 'Thy Kingdom Come': 10 days of prayer across the world for the witness and evangelism of The Church. We also pray for the Diocese of Louisiana – The Episcopal Church (IV (4) Province).
May 25th
Today, we pray for Hucknall, National C of E Primary School (Sarah Barratt) and The Diocese of Los Angeles – The Episcopal Church (VIII (8) Province).
May 24th
Today, we pray for The National Church of England Academy, Hucknall (Martin Brailsford) and The Diocese of Long Island – The Episcopal Church (II (2) Province).
May 23rd
Today, we pray for Harworth Church of England Academy (Kerrie Clowes) and The Diocese of London – The Church of England (Canterbury Province).
May 22nd
On 6th Sunday of Easter, we pray for Bingham, St Mary & All Saints (Jon Wright) and Church of the Province of South East Asia.
May 21st
Today, we pray for Halam C of E Primary School (Erica McGinley) and the Diocese of Lomega – The Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (Cantral EquatoriaProvince).
May 20th
Today, we pray for Gedling, All Hallows (Michael Johnson & Jean Lamb) and The Diocese of Lokoja – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Lokoja Province).