‘See I am doing a new thing!’ (Isaiah 43:19)

On Sunday 19th November, Bishop Andy led a Service of Collation, Induction and Installation for The Revd Andrew Porter as the new Vicar for St Edmund the King, Mansfield Woodhouse.   Bishop Andy paid tribute to those who had supported and continued the Gospel mission of St Edmund’s during the vacancy period, and the encouragement this gave as Andrew came alongside to share in this ministry.   Also present to support were congregants from Andrew’s former parish, Holy Trinity, Southwell and welcomes from Mansfield Woodhouse were extended by the church warden, Kate Miller, the local Methodist church and also Debbie Pembury, Deputy Headteacher of St Edmund’s CofE Primary School.  The Dean of Southwell also welcomed Andrew on behalf of the cathedral, thanking him for his collegiality and the fruits of his ministry when serving in Southwell and recalling that he had been part of the warm welcome previously extended to her when she became Dean.

The Archdeacon of Nottingham, The Venerable Phil Williams, preached from Isaiah 43.  He reflected on the assurance of God’s faithfulness through the years, giving us the confidence to look ahead with hope to the future, as we see God doing new things in the midst of our lives.

The bishop also took the opportunity to pray for the ministry team of St Edmund’s in this new season of ministry, which also includes the Revd Cathy Porter, Andrew’s wife and former Chaplain to the Minster School, Southwell. 

The Area Dean for Mansfield, The Revd Zoe Burton, welcomed Andrew and Cathy to their new deanery. Representatives of the Deanery of Mansfield were present, and raised a cheer of support for them. 

Reflecting on Sunday evening, Andrew shared ‘It was a fantastic evening, you could sense the Spirit moving and I am excited to be joining in with all God is doing in Mansfield Woodhouse.  Cathy and I are looking forward to getting involved with the school, being part of the community, sharing the Good News of Jesus and helping to build His Kingdom’.

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