Author: Lola Adeleke

We pray for On the third Advent Sunday, we pray: Lord Jesus, light of the world, John told the people to prepare for you were very near. As Christmas grows closer day by day, help us to be ready to welcome you now. Amen. Please also pray for The Anglican Church of Tanzania.

'Forgiveness, fruitfulness and fulfilment.' It was such a joyful day on Sunday at St. Mary Magdalene, Hucknall as 9 candidates were confirmed in a service led by Bishop Andy. The sermon was on Luke 5 and Jesus calling the first disciples, where Jesus invites them ‘into deep water’. Bishop Andy shared how Jesus invites each one of us to a life of depth that is full of forgiveness, fruitfulness and fulfilment. Luke 5 v5-11 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put

As the Advent season continues and Christmas draws closer, we have loved seeing and sharing uplifting stories from parish events across the diocese, where many have been warmly welcomed into churches to discover the hope Jesus brings at Christmas!  St Nic's, Nottingham As part of their refugee support ministry, this week St Nic's Church delivered 200 gifts to asylum seekers living in the city centre. Each gift contained chocolates donated by the congregation along with toiletries for the adults, toys for the children,

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