Daily Prayer

Today we pray for Radcliffe-on-Trent, St Mary; Shelford, St Peter & Paul. We also pray for Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church: Archbishop Urmas Viilma, Bishop Tiit Salumäe, Bishop Joel Luhamets; Diocese of Rochester, Bishop Jonathan Gibbs,Bishop Simon Burton-Jones; and The Diocese of Asaba (The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion).

Today we pray for Wiverton in the Vale (Colston Basset, St John the Divine; Cropwell Bishop, St Giles; Elton-on-the-Hill, St Michael & All Angels; Granby, All Saints; Langar cum Barnstone, St Andrew; Tythby, Holy Trinity). We also pray for The Diocese of Armagh (The Church of Ireland).

Today we pray for Keyworth, St Mary Magdalene; Stanton-on-the-Wolds, All Saints; Bunny with Bradmore, St Mary the Virgin. We also pray for the Diocese of Norwich, Bishop Graham Usher, Bishop Ian Bishop & Bishop Jane Steen; the Diocese of Lulea, Bishop Asa Nyström; and La Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico.

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