Christmas Stories Part 2
With less than a week to go until Christmas, there have been so many stories of hope, peace, love and joy in our parishes this Advent. From carolling trams to overflowing services, parish retreats and creative school visits. Read below for some of the encouraging stories across our Diocese.

The Carolling Tram – St Wilfrid’s, Wilford
In partnership with the Nottingham Express Transit team, Revd Jacob Tyers and a group from St Wilfrid’s in Nottingham gathered together at Clifton South tram-stop this week to travel into the city singing carols along the way. Song sheets were handed out to passengers as people joined the tram on the route to the Market Square. Carols included ‘O Come all ye faithful’, ‘Star of Wonder’, and also a unique rendition of the 12 days of Christmas, with people joining in across the whole length of the tram! Following the tram rides, the group departed at the Wilford tram stop where hot drinks and home-made mince pies were served for everyone who had joined in, along with invitations to Christmas events and Alpha in the new year. The story was featured on East Midlands Today and BBC Radio Nottingham, click here to watch a short video.
Use this link to find out about more about Christmas services at St Wilfrid’s

A Creative and Imaginative Advent Retreat – Wiverton in the Vale
Wiverton in the Vale held a truly memorable Advent Parish Retreat earlier this month. 30 from the parish came together to share fellowship, journey though Advent and come closer to God through creative imaginative prayer stations and thought-provoking reflections. The pictures below show some of the beauty and creativity on display during the retreat with attendees sharing ‘it was a wonderful, emotional and peaceful day’. The next day 80 children and all the staff from Langar Primary School came and experienced the Christmas story in a whole new way through these creative and peaceful spaces. It’s been a real time of joy for the parish and we pray that God will continue to bless their work and ministry.
Use this link to find out about more Christmas services at Wiverton in the Vale

Civic Carol Service With a Difference! – St Peter & St Paul’s, Mansfield
St Peter & St Paul’s Church in Mansfield worked with Mansfield District Council and Mansfield 103.2 radio to bring a Civic Carol Service with a difference this Advent! The service was held in the church but also broadcast live on the radio, with people across the area and further afield tuning in to share the festive spirit. Traditional Bible readings were interspersed with interviews with local community leaders and people doing amazing work at the grassroots locally. The traditional congregational carols were also woven with seasonal music from a range of local groups – this year they had school choirs, a medieval singing group and community singers. This included the local ‘Singing for the Brain’ group – a choir for people living with dementia and their carers, who led a brilliant rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Revd. Dr. Caroline Phillips shared an inspiring Christmas message reflecting on the peace that Jesus brings as we come together, and the arrival of ‘Good News’ which lies at the heart of that first Christmas Day: ‘Good News of great joy’. You can watch the full service here.
Use this link to find out about more Christmas services at St Peter & St Paul’s

Christmas family fun and creativity – St Ann with Emmanuel, St Ann’s
St Ann’s has had a wonderful and busy series of services and events this advent as they welcomed families and children from across the community. They welcomed local community members in for Messy Church, a Toddler group party, and 3 local schools to “Experience Christmas”, as well as being involved in community run events.
The church children produced a wonderful nativity, “God’s Very Good Idea” with some great images from this below. They’ve also had their ‘Knitted Knitivity’ travelling around people’s houses and the schools, making sure that the real meaning of Christmas is remembered alongside the hustle and bustle of the season. This was also celebrated at a special Christingle service which was loved by the church family and many visitors.
Use this link to find out about more Christmas services at St Ann with Emmanuel

Lego Christmas – St Peter’s Radford
Over the past week St Peter’s Radford have had 5 Christingle services and welcomed 3 primary schools with over 500 children in attendance! Creatively the team have been sharing the Christmas story in Lego form, lighting Christingles and creating a giant Lego Christingle picture with every child placing a brick. The church shared their thanks to Radford Primary Academy, Mellors Primary School and Southwold Primary School (featured in the photos below) for joining them in this special Christmas celebration as children discovered the hope, peace, love and joy of the Christmas story. Following the event, St Peter’s will also be starting ‘Lego Church’ which we look forward to hearing more about soon!
To find out more about Christmas services at St Peter’s Radford click here

There’s still to join in a Christmas service this year, use the button below to find a church near you.