Join in with Our Schools’ “Don’t Trash Our Future” Campaign

From 22nd to 26th May, schools across Nottinghamshire have been encouraged to pray, clear some litter and remind everybody to not “trash our future“. The diocese are inviting you to support the campaign either hosting your own litter pick or joining up with a local school.

It can form part of your Thy Kingdom Come events, as we question: “How can we have a positive impact on the local community through seeing ourselves as guests in God’s world?”

Churches are invited to use the campaign to strengthen their relationships with schools, both Church of England and mainstream. Take before and after pictures of the area you clean up, then send them to the Comms Team at Record how much rubbish has been collected and leave some signage behind to encourage people to bin their rubbish or take it home with them.

For more information, please email Anne Lumb.

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