Safeguarding Sunday: “Let’s Talk About It”

On the 17th of November, churches across the country will come together for Safeguarding Sunday, an annual event dedicated to creating safer spaces for everyone. This year’s theme, “Let’s talk about it,” encourages open and honest conversations about what we are doing right and gotten wrong in safeguarding. It’s a chance to discuss how we can work together to prevent abuse and ensure that every child and adult feels safe and secure.

Churches that participate in Safeguarding Sunday experience an increased awareness and understanding of safeguarding, more people sharing their experiences, a rise in volunteer numbers, and more individuals completing safeguarding training and background checks. Safeguarding Leads also report feeling more supported in their roles.

We encourage everyone to explore these resources for planning the event provided by Thirtyone:eight here and join us in making this year’s Safeguarding Sunday a meaningful and impactful day.

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