Stories of Faith Transforming Lives of Young People Across Our Diocese

As a diocese, we are thrilled to witness young people coming to know and love Jesus, learning to live as his followers. Many of our churches are doing incredible work with our youth, and to mark this year’s International Youth Day on 12th August, we are reflecting on powerful testimonies of how God has been moving among our young people, both individually and collectively, in recent months.

Powerful Baptisms at St Mary Magdalene

Last weekend, St Mary Magdalene in Newark welcomed six young people into their church family which included some full-immersion baptisms! There were four baptisms and two reaffirmations, with a powerful time of worship, and prayer as family, friends, and church members gathered to celebrate their commitment to faith.

Eleanor (17)  shared, “I have chosen to get baptised because ever since I have welcomed God into my life I have become a kinder happier more understanding person. And I want to get baptised to show that I am born again in Christ and that I have been forgiven for my sins and that I am willing to grow more as a Christian.”

We believe that there is no greater decision than choosing to follow Jesus Christ. Seeing our young people commit their hearts to God and being open to experiencing Jesus and his transforming power in their daily lives is a huge blessing.

Trinity Church Nottingham’s Inspiring Youth Weekend Getaway

Earlier in this academic year, Trinity Church Nottingham hosted a weekend getaway for their youth, focused on spending time together and deepening their relationship with Jesus. The weekend was filled with games, competitions, meaningful connections, and powerful times of prayer and worship, all inspired by the presence and word of God.

Youth Worker, Dan Grout shared “After one of our evening sessions we entered into a time of prayer, this was a particularly special time as we watched the youth gather around one another and begin to pray. As a team we stepped back and just watched the Spirit move among the next generation through prayer and spontaneous sung worship. God is going after this generation, and it was incredible to see youth leading youth and lives transformed by the Grace of God and the power of His Spirit.”

Living Hope Stories: Finding Your Place in the World

We’ve been working on an exciting series called Living Hope Stories, capturing inspiring stories of faith from across our diocese, including those of our young people. These stories showcase the tangible ways in which God is working in our midst, offering hope and demonstrating lives transformed by Jesus.

To mark International Youth Day on 12th August, we shared Brendon’s story from St Luke’s Gamston on our social media channels. In his testimony, Brendon talks about his encounter with Jesus and how being part of a church family has been pivotal in his life.

He shared, “Being a part of a church family has helped me grow my character… it makes me feel welcome… like I have a place in this world.”

You can watch Brendon’s powerful story here.

We thank God for his unfailing love and his relentless pursuit of our young people’s hearts and minds, guiding them as they navigate life. We pray the churches across our diocese and beyond will continue to be inspired with fresh creativity and passion as we continue to lead our youth to experience the life-changing power of faith in Jesus.

We love to hear and share stories of faith from across the diocese. Click here to submit a story of what’s happening in your church or parish, along with any photos we can share.

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