Author: Laura Frank

CHRIST THE KING. Today, we end the Church’s year, and we celebrate the Universal Kingship of Jesus Christ. We remind ourselves that in a world that can often seem so uncertain, Jesus has won the victory over sin through the Cross, and we have the promise of his glory before us. We pray today for all those situations in our world where this message most urgently needs to be heard today.

On Sunday 19th November, Bishop Andy led a Service of Collation, Induction and Installation for The Revd Andrew Porter as the new Vicar for St Edmund the King, Mansfield Woodhouse.   Bishop Andy paid tribute to those who had supported and continued the Gospel mission of St Edmund’s during the vacancy period, and the encouragement this gave as Andrew came alongside to share in this ministry.   Also present to support were congregants from Andrew’s former parish, Holy Trinity, Southwell and welcomes

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