Even in the darkest valleys there is light – Baptism Stories
It’s been great to hear of some wonderful stories of baptisms across our diocese last month, including 4 adults and 1 youth baptism St Ann with Emmanuel Church and 2 youth baptisms at St Johns Bilbrough Woven. In both churches those being baptised were surrounded by their church community to pray and celebrate with them on this significant moment in their life. We’ve shared a couple of the encouraging stories below from St Ann’s Church:
“Faith has always been a part of me, but it wasn’t until I faced the possibility of losing everything that I realised how much I needed God. The Lord has been good to me, he carried me when I could not carry myself. This baptism is my way of declaring that my life is not my own. It is a way of saying, “Lord, I am yours. Use me, guide me, transform me.” My journey has been one of brokenness and healing, of tears and triumphs. And through it all, God has shown me that even in the darkest valleys, there is light. Today, I choose to walk in that light. I choose to surrender. I choose Him.” Sharon
“I have been through a lot of stuff in my life but I now believe God has a plan for me and since coming to church and praying at home, life has gotten so much better. I am a completely new person with a different aspect on life. Nothing can get to me as I have put my whole trust in God” Sophie

We believe there is nothing better anyone can do with their life than become a follower of Jesus Christ. If you would like to find out more, there are a number of courses running across our diocese this Spring where you can explore faith.