Even in the darkest valleys there is light – Baptism Stories
It’s been great to hear of some wonderful stories of baptisms across our diocese last month, including 4 adults and 1 youth baptism St Ann with Emmanuel Church and 2 youth baptisms at St Johns Bilbrough Woven. In both churches those being baptised were surrounded by their church community to pray and celebrate with them on this significant moment in their life. We’ve shared a couple of the encouraging stories below from St Ann’s Church: "Faith has always been a part
23 Candidates Confirmed in Southwell Minster
November 24th was such a joyful morning as we celebrated the confirmation of 23 candidates at Southwell Minster as part of the festival of Christ the King (the last Sunday before Advent). This was a particularly special occasion as the Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell led and preached at the service, as part of his missionary visit to the Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham. Every person who comes forward for confirmation brings a powerful story of testimony of God at work
Journey of Generosity
Following the refresh of our Diocesan Vision early this year, we have focused on Encouraging Generosity across our diocese, with the aim of reaching financial sustainability across the whole diocese by 2035. Please see below some resources to help on this journey parish share report 2024 Journey of generosity booklet 2025 WHAT IS PARISH SHARE AND WHY DO WE PAY IT? A BIBLICAL AND THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION bishop paul teaching on discipleship, gospel and giving FAQs We want to hear and respond to
Get Your Home Winter Ready
Winter is just around the corner! Jo and Ian from the property team at Jubilee House have provided some helpful tips and support for ensuring your home is winter ready. Follow the tips below and if you have any further questions you can contact property@southwell.anglican.org Tips To Help Get Your Home Winter Ready in 2024 Test Your Heating With the hectic winter period in full swing, you may not have had the time or energy to fully assess your home’s heating status and
Diocese Prayer Run 21st – 26th October Route
We're looking forward to the ‘Diocese Prayer Run’ that will be taking place over October half term 21st-26th! Following the launch of the refreshed vision earlier this year we want to pray together for living hope across the city, towns and villages of Nottinghamshire and beyond. This will be opportunity to do this in the churches, fields, paths and streets of our diocese. The 120km prayer run route will be spread over 6 days and will stretch from the most
LLM Licensing 2024 Photo Album
Please see below a link for the photo gallery! You can download individual images or the full album: LLM Licensing 2024 Photo Album Watch back the service
Final Sermon – Dean Nicola
Southwell Minster Festal and Farewell Evensong Michael and All Angels 29 September 2024, 3.30pm Daniel 10: 4-21; Revelation 5 Prayer ‘But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us’ 2 Corinthians 4:7 I asked a good friend who knows me far too well if she had any tips for a final sermon. Her wise advice, ‘Don’t forget Nicola, less is usually more!’ While it’s hard to be brief on such an
National Church of England Digital Pilot Programme for Christmas
The National Church of England have a new opportunity for local churches to participate in a digital skills pilot programme for this Advent and Christmas season. What’s the programme about? The programme will provide six churches with bespoke support from national experts to enhance their digital ministry and outreach. With a mixture of training webinars and other resources, the Church of England’s Digital team will offer: · Personalised advice on how to make the most of your online presence through social media, websites, AChurchNearYou.com and
Church School Leaders gather for a day of unity
On 3rd July a number of our church school leaders gathered together to learn from each other, refresh their vision and share communion together. The theme of the day was ‘rooted in love’ and the keynote speaker, Anjali Kanagaratnam, shared the challenge to see the urgency and the centrality of love, commenting, “Love is really hard work – but it’s also the only option we have.” Three of our church schools shared what it means to them to build a school community rooted
Ordination of Deacons Photo Highlights
Please see below a link for the photo gallery! You can download individual images or the full album: Ordination of Deacons 2024 - 30th June 2024