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Daily prayers

The first ‘quiet day’ of the week, with no feast day. Take a few minutes today to be thankful forthings that can be celebrated from the last week. We remember those who have not been able tosee family and friends as they have been caring for others and serving in the emergency services. The Diocese of Iran – The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem & The Middle East

The Holy Innocents: This sombre commemoration of the death of the young is a sharp counterpointto the celebration of new birth. Please pray today for those who are innocent victims of aggression. The Diocese of Indianapolis – The Episcopal Church

ST JOHN, APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST: ‘The Word was made Flesh and Dwelt Among Us’. Withthese words John acclaims, the Incarnation of God and Man. Today, we are thankful for John’s giftand for all evangelists in the Church. Pray for Christians in other denominations and the work of the ecumenical movement. The Diocese of Northern Indiana – The Episcopal Church.

FIRST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS - ST STEPHEN, DEACON, FIRST MARTYR: Today we recall the first Christian martyr. Someone will losetheir life today because they proclaim Christ. In the midst of celebrations take a moment today to reflect upon this and pray for those who do not count the cost in being a sacrificial offering. Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America.

CHRISTMAS DAY - The greatest birth in history is celebrated today. We pray for all Christians across the world withwhom we have links as the Saviour of the world is acclaimed. O Come Let Us Adore Him! Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and the People of Bethlehem and The Diocese of North East India – The (united) Church of North India

As we prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ birth, we pray for ourselves that we might invite Him to be born again in us as we Grow as Disciples. The Diocese of Ilesa South West – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Ibadan Province

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