Diocesan Days of Prayer 2025
We’re pleased to share the dates for all the 2025 Diocesan Days of Prayer as we continue seeking to grow disciples of Christ with compassion, confidence and courage across the diocese. On these evenings of prayer and worship, we are praying for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit in our lives, our churches and our schools, such that will bring an overflow of God’s blessing to people everywhere across our city, county and beyond.
Use this link to sign up for the next prayer evening on Thursday 13th March.
Each Diocesan Day of Prayer is on the second Thursday of the month, and you can find all the 2025 dates below. On the evenings, you are invited to the State Chamber at Southwell Minster from 7.30-9pm for a time of prayer and worship. Refreshments will be served from 7pm. You can click on the pre-summer dates below to sign up.
- Thursday 13th February
- Thursday 13th March
- Thursday 10th April
- Thursday 8th May
- Thursday 12th June
- Thursday 10th July
- Thursday 9th October
- Thursday 13th November
- Thursday 11th December

We hope that these evenings will be a valuable opportunity to spend time in prayer and listening to God together as a diocese. You may wish to come as a church group or as a leadership team, using this as an opportunity to receive, to be encouraged and to be blessed by time together with God.
In addition to this, you could also join in with Nottingham City Prayer which takes place at 7am at churches around the city. You can find out where the next meeting is here. Southwell Minster is also always pleased to welcome visitors to their regular pattern of services, should you wish to join in as part of these days of prayer. You can find their service pattern here.