Revd Jonathan Morley Inducted and Installed as Vicar of Holy Trinity Southwell
‘Live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Ephesians 4:1-2
It was a joy filled evening at Holy Trinity Southwell on Monday (13th January) as the Revd Jonathan Morley was instituted by Bishop Paul, and inducted and installed by Archdeacon Tors as the Vicar of Holy Trinity. It was wonderful to be joined by those from Southwell as well as those from further afield, including a coach load of people from Jon’s previous parish, Aldridge Parish Church, who came along to support him as he begins this new season.
Jonathan grew up in Somerset attending Queen’s College School in Taunton, and after a brief stint studying at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, moved to Twickenham where he lived and worked for 6 years, primarily in church youth work and later, chaplaincy at Dulwich College. He trained for ordination at St. Mellitus College in London, before moving to Aldridge in the West Midlands where he served his curacy in the Parish of Aldridge. Jonathan is married to Ella who has worked in international development and youth work, and they are expecting their first child in March. He is a keen musician, follower of football, and appreciator of a good glass of single malt.

Following on from his visit to Holy Trinity on the previous Sunday where he spoke on the beautiful prayer in Ephesians 3, Bishop Paul spoke on Ephesians 4. He emphasised the need to be both rooted and grounded in love, drawing on words used to describe the source of a plant’s strength and the foundations of a building, as we seek to ‘live a life worthy of the calling that we have received’. This was a message both for Jon as he begins his ministry, the parish, and all those present as they seek to grow God’s kingdom together.
Throughout the service there was an emphasis on the importance of prayer, in the Ephesians reading, in how Jon and Ella have been nurtured to this point, for Holy Trinity in this appointment, and onwards as we support Jon as he starts his ministry in this diocese.
Please join us in praying for Jon, Ella and the congregation of Holy Trinity as they begin this new season of ministry together.