Revd Matt Roberts Inducted and Installed as Vicar of St Michael’s Bramcote
Sunday morning was a joyful occasion at St Michael and All Angels, Bramcote, as Revd Matt Roberts was officially instituted by Bishop Andy, and inducted and installed by Archdeacon Phil Williams as the new Vicar of St Michael’s Bramcote.
It was a special moment in the presence of friends, family, and colleagues, including St Mark’s Woodthorpe (Matt’s previous parish), representatives from the local council, Bramcote CofE Primary School, and local clergy. For Matt and his wife, Melanie, the day also felt like a homecoming, as they had worshipped at Bramcote during Matt’s ordination training at St John’s College.

In his address, Bishop Andy spoke from Matthew 9:35-38, emphasising the need to ‘ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field.’ This is not just a call for ordained clergy, but for all of us to respond to God’s call on our lives with compassionate hearts, confident faith and courageous prayer.

Throughout the service there was an emphasis on the importance of prayer, in the Ephesians reading, in how Jon and Ella have been nurtured to this point, for Holy Trinity in this appointment, and onwards as we support Jon as he starts his ministry in this diocese.

Please join us in praying for Jon, Ella and the congregation of Holy Trinity as they begin this new season of ministry together.