The Diocese Earns Our Bronze Eco Award

We are delighted to be able to announce that the diocese has achieved Bronze Eco Diocese status with A Rocha UK, the Christian environmental charity. This follows on from Jubilee House’s Silver Award during the summer.

To gain this award, we needed to meet certain criteria as a diocese including having over 10% of our churches registered as Eco churches with over 5% achieving Bronze or Silver status.

We also needed to have a Caring for Creation Steering Group, which is chaired by Bishop Paul, as well as a Diocesan Environment Policy, which we approved at Diocesan Synod earlier in the year. Our clergy and lay leaders have training in Caring for Creation too.

Our current position is that we have 73 Eco Churches, 17 of which have achieved Bronze and 7 Silver. And these numbers are constantly growing, with a quarter of the churches in the diocese now registered as Eco Churches but our aim is for every church to be an Eco Church.

On 8th October, there is an ‘Introduction to Eco Church’, a webinar over Zoom being run by Rich Bull of Nottingham Trent University and St Pauls’ Daybrook. You can sign up here.

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