Caring for God’s Creation: Award-Winning Efforts at Burntstump Seely
As part of their hard work for our Don’t Trash Our Future campaign, Burntstump Seely C of E Primary Academy have been awarded a bronze in the Picture Impact Awards 2023!
At the heart of our campaign was the reminder that we are the stewards of God’s creation. During their enrichment time, the children and staff visited Burntstump Country Park for three weeks. They collected litter and worked together to clean the park. To spread awareness, the children designed posters to leave in the park to encourage visitors to take their litter home or find a bin.
After their litter pick, one of their reception pupils said, “That was the best enrichment ever!”
Moreover, the pupils are determined to keep their academy litter free – in fact, some children have been inspired to do some litter picking near their homes.
The staff and pupils at the academy are incredibly proud to receive a bronze award from the Picture Impact Awards. The judging panel recognised the children’s determination and the significant impact they have made in tackling litter.