
Today is Rogation Sunday – a traditional service that asks for God’s protection of the agriculture industry, livestock, and crops. In England, it occurs during the planting season. The three days following are considered Rogation Days, where Christians are encouraged to fast and pray ahead of Ascension Day. The tradition involves the incumbent walking the boundaries of the parish – which called “beating the bounds” – praying the Great Litany as well as psalms and asking for God‘s blessing for well-being

St Peter's Church in Hayton has become the latest in our diocese to earn their A Rocha UK Bronze Eco Award. Churchwarden Rita Smith said: "We are proud to have been awarded our Bronze Eco Award. Our initial thoughts when we were first shown the self assessment form for completion was horror. But, once over the panic, it was easily completed. Being a rural church with a very small congregation and limited resources, we were pleasantly surprised to qualify for the Bronze

Recently, St Wilfrid’s in Calverton has been presented an A Rocha’s Silver Eco Church Award. The church originally achieved their Bronze Award during the lockdown as it was a positive thing they could be working towards during a difficult time and something they could work together to achieve. Revd Sam Hustwayte reflects on their journey to Silver: “The journey began back in 2019 when we decided as a church that we should create an environmental policy that would reduce our use

A Rocha UK’s Eco Church Awards require the churches who apply to demonstrate their commitment to caring for creation, ranging from optimising energy efficiency to discussing climate change in sermons. Recently, the diocese has reached the 5% threshold of Bronze Award churches which we need to achieve a Bronze Eco Diocese Award. More than 50 of our churches are working towards their Eco Church status now, of which 16 have at least a bronze award. St Patrick’s Nuthall achieved their silver

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