December’s Diocesan Day of Prayer
Amongst the often busy season of Advent, Thursday 12th was a special day of prayer set aside for the Diocese. Each month churches and schools are encouraged to pray together as we seek God’s Living Hope for the city, towns and villages of Nottinghamshire and beyond.

City Prayer – Council House, Market Square
Thursday began at 7:00am in the Council House, right in the centre of the city. Nottingham City Prayer is a monthly gathering for churches across denominations to pray for Christ’s Church United, God’s Power Released and the City Blessed. With the Christmas lights from the market square reflecting on the windows, it was a great opportunity to pray for people in all areas of society to discover the hope of Christ this advent. As well as times of sung worship, the morning provided opportunity to pray in small groups together on themes such as justice, Church Christmas events, and schools/education.

Worship and Prayer – State Chamber, Southwell
Later in the evening, people from across the diocese gathered for an encouraging time of prayer, worship and waiting on God together in the State Chamber. It was great to be joined by 20 young people from Worksop who had travelled down together for the evening. Throughout the time they shared testimony after testimony of God at work in their life, each one being such an encouragement and prophetic call for the group to pray for God’s Spirit to continue to move in powerful ways through emerging generations. Following a number of these stories, Bishop Paul shared ‘For some of us who have been at this for a while, we need you to do what you’ve done tonight so bravely and graciously, to open our eyes to all God is doing.‘
It was a deeply moving evening together and as one person shared, ‘ it felt like the evening lifted the clouds so we could see the stars’.

Next Dates
In January, Nottingham City Prayer are hosting an evening event of prayer and worship at St Margaret’s Aspley on Thursday 9th January at 7:30pm (refreshments served from 7:10pm) and so there won’t be a gathering in Southwell. However we would love to see you there in Aspley. There is plenty of parking around the church or nearby streets.
Find out more about Nottingham City Prayer here.