Diocesan Synod Summary – 12 October 2024
Diocesan Synod 12 October 2024
On Saturday 12th October the newly elected Diocesan Synod met at The Minster School, Southwell for the first meeting of the new Triennium (2024-27). During the meeting Bishop Paul, Bishop Andy, Canon Michael Arlington and Mr Julian Hodgson presented reports to delegates (both clergy and lay) who listened and discussed to prayerfully discern what God is saying to the Diocese at this time.
As part of the triennium, it was great to welcome a significant number of new members from across the diocese, alongside those who had served previously.
To start the day Bishop Paul opened in worship, reading from Luke 5: 1-11: “…Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.” (Luke 10b-11)
This time of worship set the tone for the gathering and flowed into a shared time of Holy Communion.
Bishop’s Nominations and Co-options
It was noted Bishop Paul had nominated five additional members of Synod.
Bishop’s Address
Bishop Paul spoke of four discipleship tests that Jesus put Peter through: ‘ready for action’, ‘will you follow direction’ (particularly drawing on Peter’s obedience to Jesus when he responds “Because you say so, I will” (v5) as Jesus, a carpenter from Nazareth, instructs him a fisherman to put down his net and the importance of our obedience to God), ‘who gets the credit’ and ‘the grander vision’. He asked each member of Synod to consider what it may mean for them personally, in their local church, and especially as a Synod committed to Growing Disciples together. You can read the full address here.
Growing Disciples Update
Bishop Andy provided a helpful update regarding the Diocesan Investment Programme (DIP) application. The bid was submitted in September after Synod, at their additional meeting in July, had taken the opportunity to contribute.
The bid involves a diocesan wide programme of church revitalisation, with specific funding requested for some of those contexts. In addition there were three funding streams that would be available to support the ministry of the local church, including resource churches, church revitalisations and a new ‘Growing Disciples’ fund which would be available to any parish /church in the diocese seeking to develop mission and ministry relating to one of the 7 areas of focus of the refreshed diocesan vision.
The overall ask was made up of fully worked up plans and missional designs for approval, and some that needed further work for agreement in principle at this stage. With the primary focus on Growing Disciples of Christ with Compassion, Confidence and Courage, it was noted that a key aim and crucial aspect of the proposal was the endeavour to reach financial sustainability by 2035.
Synod was encouraged to pray for the Strategic Mission and Ministry Investment Board (SMMIB) ahead of its meeting to consider the application at the end of October.
Canon Michael Arlington, Chair of Finance, presented to Diocesan Synod the budget for 2025. Michael summarised the key assumptions were a 4% increase in Parish Share received, no increase in vacancies, and the strategic plan was in line with the DIP application, noting that the budget did not assume any funding from DIP.
There were challenges around generous giving and the new methodology of allocating Parish Share would consider giving levels and generosity. The change was essential and the commitment and resources that the Diocese would contribute centrally to help this process was ongoing. Conversations between Diocese centrally and each Parish Share Paying Unit were taking place to look at the 10-year forecast to ensure financial sustainability by 2035 (break-even).
People costs were the biggest expenditure. It was assumed that the increase to stipends in 2025 would be approximately 3%.
The Diocese continued to receive £1.3m from Church Commissioners for Lowest Income Community (LInC) Funding and that should continue until 2030. This was only received by the dioceses with the most deprived communities. Southwell and Nottingham are considered the 8th/9th most deprived. This was used to help offset the gap between ministry costs and Parish Share paid for the 25% most deprived parishes.
Diocesan Synod approved the 2025 Diocesan Budget as set out in the paper it received. It was approved with 1 abstention.
Synod noted the Annual Report from the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel (DSAP). Bishop Paul introduced the recently appointed Independent Chair of DSAP, Sally Hodges, gave a brief presentation and Julian Hodgson, Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor, spoke before Synod were asked to adopt the policies as outlined in the paper circulated, which they did unanimously.
Mr Ian Boothroyd submitted an update from General Synod at its July sessions.
Mr Robert Cleave submitted an update on Caring for Creation.
A question was received in advance from Georgina Denison, Ossington PCC (Newark & Southwell Deanery) regarding The Potting Shed Church. An answer was provided in full and circulated to the members after the meeting.
Overall, the Synod was an encouraging and helpful time together as we continue to discern God’s leading and guidance in Growing Disciples of Christ with Compassion, Confidence and Courage.
Mr Martin Cooper, Diocesan Chief Executive
October 2024