Courageous Baptisms at The Orchard, a new worshipping community in Chilwell
The Orchard is a new worshipping community that launched in June 2023, in Inham Nook, Chilwell to the west of Nottingham. Our prayer is for ‘deep roots and fruitful lives’, for everyone to grow deep roots of faith in Jesus and for the fruit of His Spirit to grow in us.
On Sunday, we explored the story of Pentecost, welcomed the Holy Spirit as we worshipped, and celebrated the baptism of Kerry Towle and the affirmation of promises for her husband, Luke.
Baptism is a big step, and it took real courage for them both to stand in front of everyone on Sunday to declare their faith, their ‘yes’ to Jesus, and their joy in being joined to God’s family. Kerry, Luke and their two young daughters joined The Orchard last June, and it’s been wonderful to see their faith increase as the Spirit works in them, growing their confidence in Jesus and all He has done.
Several people said afterwards, ‘I want to do that, too!’, so we’re looking forward to more baptisms very soon. God is building his church.