doctors surgery

First GP Chaplaincy in Nottinghamshire

The first GP chaplaincy service in Nottinghamshire has begun its pilot at the Windmill Practice in Sneinton, with a particular focus on those who have suffered loss. The chaplaincy’s first users have said they feel heard “like never before”.

It provides a safe space filled with acceptance, support, and signposting for people in distress regardless of their religion or beliefs, including the practice’s staff. Currently, there are four chaplains that have been trained by the Association of Chaplaincy in General Practice.

The service has been championed by the practice’s GPs, Dr Stephen Willott and Dr Helen Sperry, as well as Revd Lynda Blakeley from St Stephens Church Sneinton Nottingham.

Lynda told us, “The chaplaincy has provided us with an opportunity to help those who have suffered enormous loss. It is a privilege to be with somebody in a space where they are not rushed and are able share their story. We cannot underestimate the transforming healing that happens when somebody is listened to.”

The service has also been supported by Revd Jo Tatum, our diocesan workplace chaplain.

Jo added, “We’re really excited as it’s a partnership in the community, especially one that approached us. It’s working in conjunction with the local church, so it will be sustained and will remain embedded in the community. We are waiting with anticipation to see where it leads and are praying for more practices to hopefully join.”

If you would like to start a chaplaincy in your GP practice, please contact Revd Jo Tatum for more information.

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