LLM Residential Weekend at Launde Abbey

Last weekend, 31 of our training Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs) headed to Launde Abbey for their residential weekend. It was an opportunity to get to know each other, share in worship and prayer, and receive teaching on leading like Jesus. We were thrilled to welcome 16 first-year students to the course, as well as 15 returning second-year students.

One participant shared after the weekend “To have the opportunity to share a time of worship, with such an amazing group of people that were all in that room because they want to serve God was something that will stay with me for a long time. The setting, the communication and the lesson content all pulled together to create a safe space to learn and build confidence and I cannot thank the team enough. Attending the Sunday communion service genuinely felt like sharing communion with my family and I found myself thanking God during the service for the opportunity to be with such an inspiring group of people and for the opportunity he has given me to begin learning how best to serve him.”

We’re so thankful for the compassion, confidence, and courage of each training Licensed Lay Minister as they follow the call of God on their lives. We believe God is still calling people today. If you would like to find out more about LLMs or explore your vocation, you can click here to learn more.

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