The County gathers in Southwell Minster for a Service to Celebrate the Coronation

Over 500 people, many representing organisations from across the county, gathered in Southwell Minster on Sunday 7th May for a service to celebrate the Coronation of their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla.

The Dean of Southwell, the Very Revd Nicola Sullivan, offered a welcome and Sir John Peace, the Lord-Lieutenant and His Majesty the King’s Representative in Nottinghamshire, shared a personal reflection recognising the significance of the Coronation as a historic moment in our nation.  Sir John also paid tribute to those who, like the monarch, are called not to be served but to serve and who were represented by those present through a diverse range of faiths, communities, organisations and public sector roles including the NHS, Emergency Services, Volunteer Sector, Scouts, Guides, the Boy’s Brigade, the Military, as well as the High Sheriff, Judiciary, Civic Leaders and Deputy Lieutenants.

In his address, the Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham drew upon the moment in the Coronation service when the Prince of Wales, having paid his homage, kissed his father in an expression of love.  Bishop Paul went on to say ‘For children and young people growing up in Nottinghamshire and beyond, there can surely be nothing more important to their well-being now and their future flourishing than to be told and believe, ‘You are Loved’Preaching from St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, the bishop spoke of the personal, powerful and purposeful love of God that surpasses and sustains all other loves.  He concluded with an encouragement at the start of this new Carolean era that ‘we can all help someone to know ‘you are loved’…let this be the legacy of this coronation in our lives, our county and across the nation.’ 

Read the Bishop’s address in full here.

Professor Harminder Singh Dua, Deputy Lieutenant and Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences in the University of Nottingham, read extracts from the King’s first Christmas Broadcast in 2022 and Bishop Pagani Thipa (pictured), Senior Pastor of Calvary Family Church, Nottingham and an Ecumenical Canon of Southwell Minster, led Prayers of Intercession.  All who were present joined together in a collective Act of Dedication, led by a Lord-Lieutenant’s RAF Cadet from the 138 (1st Nottingham) Squadron.  The Cathedral Choir sang the anthem ‘O hearken thou unto the voice of my calling’ composed by Edward Elgar for the Coronation of King George V in 1911 and after the service, the Boys’ Brigade band played outside in the spring sunshine.  

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