Apprentice Track 24/25 stories

There are 4 exciting pathways for 18-30s to deepen their faith, grow in community and develop as a leader in 2024-2025. Scroll below to read some incredible stories and further details on how to apply.

Charis’ Story

God took my tentative yes two years ago and has used it to completely transform my life. He is that good that he took what was half-hearted to take me on a journey of growing closer to the Father’s heart and deeper into my own. Through the internship, God has raised my expectations of what he can do when we surrender our every day & our everything to him. Again and again, I have been surprised to discover new depths of the “life in all its fullness” that Jesus offers us, and the internship creates so much space to discover this abundant life we’re so generously given. 

Zoe’s Story

When deciding if this was for me (as I was faced with a couple of great but very different options) someone gave me the advice: sometimes it’s not about what you do, It’s about who you want to become. And to that my only answer is more like Jesus. 

The internship has helped me deepen my relationship with God and grow myself in ways that far exceeded my expectations.

If you want to grow and be challenged in your faith the internship is for you. You really learn what it means to be an apprentice of Jesus. It is a year to invest in yourself learn and as well as unlearn things you may have accepted previously. The internship provides a range of teaching and opportunities to get involved in and a variety of people pouring into you, with a lot of support. All whilst also giving you the freedom and confidence to pour into others in your leadership roles.

There are 4 ways to get involved for Oct 24- July 25. The deadline is 6th May, use the links below to submit your application today!

The Internship:
An opportunity to join a team at a local church and commit to a year of growging in discipleship and in leadership. You will be journeying in community with a dynamic cohort of other interns and young adults.

The Apprentice Track (programme only):
Intentionally designed to sit alongside normal working life or study, this is an opportunity for all 18-30s to go deeper in their journey of following Jesus. Every few weeks we gather together for a day of learning and discussing what it means to follow Jesus today. We then commit to practicing what we’ve talked about in our own context.

The Internship (Year 2):
A chance for those who have completed year 1 of the internship to dive deeper into their calling as they follow Jesus in specific roles of leadership within the church.

The Leadership Track (programme only):
The Leadership Track is a space for those in leadership in the church and the wider world, to be supported as they step into what God is calling them to. We believe leadership really matters and is worth investing in. This track offers teaching on the spiritual life of a leader, as well as practical tools for the journey.

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