
On 1st Sunday of Christmas, we celebrate with the Holy Family as they offer Jesus to the Lord as their first born. We pray for all babies born today and for their families that they may grow in safety and security and ‘in the knowledge of the Lord’. We also pray for Archbishop Cranmer C of E Primary Academy, Aslockton and La Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico

The first ‘quiet day’ of the week, with no feast day. Take a few minutes today to be thankful for things that can be celebrated from the last week. We remember those who have not been able to see family and friends as they have been caring for others and serving in the emergency services. We also pray for The Diocese of Olympia – The Episcopal Church (VIII (8) Province)

On St John's Day, Apostle and Evangelist: ‘The Word was made Flesh and Dwelt Among Us’. With these words John acclaims, the Incarnation of God and Man. Today, we are thankful for John’s gift and for all evangelists in the Church. Pray for Christians in other denominations and the work of the ecumenical movement. We also pray for the Diocese of Okrika – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Niger Delta Province)

Today, on St Stephen's Day, Deacon, First Martyr, we recall the first Christian martyr. Someone will lose their life today because they proclaim Christ. In the midst of celebrations, take a moment today to reflect upon this and pray for those who do not count the cost in being a sacrificial offering. We also pray for the Diocese of Oklahoma – The Episcopal Church (VII (7) Province)

We are now just minutes away from Christmas Morning, but how would it be if we heard that at short notice Christmas had been cancelled this year. In the Lion, the Witch and Wardrobe, Mr Tumnus said to Lucy, “It is always winter in Narnia and has been for ever so long…always winter but never Christmas.” Can you imagine the dark nights closing in and the bitter cold of winter without the celebration of Christmas? C S Lewis understood what an unbearable

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