Diocese Prayer Run 21st – 26th October

We’re pleased to announce news of the upcoming ‘Diocese Prayer Run’ that will be taking place over October half term 21st-26th. Following the launch of the refreshed vision earlier this year we want to pray together for living hope across the city, towns and villages of Nottinghamshire and beyond. This will be opportunity to do this in the churches, fields, paths and streets of our diocese.

The 120km prayer run route will be spread over 6 days and will stretch from the most northern part of the our diocese to the south. We will visit a number of our churches on the way and will plan prayer meetings across the time, as well as encouraging prayer and conversation along the way. The run itself will be split into 5km and 10km sections throughout each day so people can easily come and join for any length or duration. You don’t need to be an experienced runner to join in and we will always run at the most comfortable pace for the group. Jacob Tyers (Curate from St Wilfrid’s Church, Nottingham) will be leading the route across all 6 days and will be covering the full 120km.

The exact route and timing for the days are still being finalised and will be shared online shortly, but at this stage there are a number of ways you and your church can get involved:

Express your interest for the run

We would love to welcome you to any section of the run over the 6 days! Use this form to let us know if you’d be interested and which days/times. We can then send you further details as they become available.

Join a prayer meeting:

You might not be a runner, but would love to join with others in prayer across our diocese! Once the venues are confirmed we’ll share details of each planned prayer meeting so you can come and join together in prayer.

We hope this will be a great way to share in prayer together, if you have any questions about the event you can contact us here.

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