Diocese Prayer Run: Days 4 & 5
The Diocese Prayer run is a 120km route stretching from the north of the diocese to the south. The run is taking place over the 21st – 26th October and is an opportunity to pray for Living Hope in the city, towns and villages of Nottinghamshire and beyond. Each day is split into a number of 5km and 10km runs that people can join, as well as prayer meetings at over 20 churches across the diocese.
Day 4:
St John’s with St Mary’s Mansfield to St Peter’s Ravenshead
Day 4 marks the start of the second half of the prayer run with 60km covered so far. The team gathered at 9:00 outside to pray at St Mary’s for the church, Mansfield and the journey ahead. Valerie was one of those gathered, and she brought with her a certificate from a run she had done in 1984 on a sponsored training run with the British olympic team! Although she couldn’t join the run now , she was keen to pray and support those heading out.
Gary and Jacob carried the route forward for this stretch, a 10km towards Ravenshead, and the first hills that had been encountered in Nottinghamshire! However this was helped by a lovely route that found itself weaving and winding amongst beautiful autumnal forests. For tired legs, it was a great opportunity to pray and worship while running in the beauty of God’s creation.
The group arrived in Ravenshead and were warmly greeted by a wonderful prayer gathering from christians across churches in the area. What followed was such a special time of fervent prayer with the group, praying for a fresh move of God’s Holy Spirit in Ravenshead. When Jacob and Gary asked for ways they could be praying, one woman shared so beautifully and simply ‘what people in Ravenshead really need is Jesus’.

St Peter’s Ravenshead to St James Papplewick
At this point in the journey, Paul from Brinsley with Underwood joined the runners and helped to lead through another beautiful 5km running route past Newstead Abbey and down towards the village of Papplewick. The quiet and tree-filled paths were the perfect place to share stories and pray together, as well as sharing with people on the way about the prayer run. The path lead down another quaint path to the small church of St James’ Papplewick, where a number of people had gathered to pray at this stop. Revd. Trevor Raaff welcome the group warmly and provided a short history of the church and the community in Papplewick. During another beautiful time of prayer, there was a strong sense of God’s holiness in the building, and we prayed together that would be felt by all who came into the church, especially those who would be attending a wedding there on the weekend.

St James Papplewick to St John’s Hucknall
For the final run of the day, Gary and Jacob were delighted to be joined by Ian Gordon who took up running at the age of 70! It was a joy to pray and run together through Linby and down towards Hucknall. At the end of the run they were greeted by Helen at St John’s Hucknall who welcomed them in with refreshments, including homemade flapjack! It was great to hear stories from the community, especially of those who have recently been watching ‘the chosen’ video series and discovering about the life of Jesus for the first time – one member of the church was so drawn to the story they watched 3 seasons in week! The group prayed for everyone in Hucknall, and that the church would be a place to particularly welcome children and families from across the community ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’ (Matthew 19:14).

Day 5:
St John’s Hucknall to St Mary’s Bulwell
Friday is the day the route finally reaches the city! A small group met together to pray outside Hucknall, particularly with a focus of praying for the route ahead throughout the day. Jacob and Gary were prepared for busy roads and streets for most of this day, but straight away the route to Bulwell found itself on another winding path amongst beautiful autumnal trees near Bulwell Hall golf course. Bulwell is one of the most deprived communities in Nottingham, and so as they ran through the streets it was opportunity to pray for the many homes and families represented. Eventually they reached the first pray stop in the city of St Mary’s Bulwell which sits atop a hill amongst busy roads. They were greeted by Bob and Martin with a wonderful supply of drinks and snacks, and through the time they heard stories of God at work in this church. They had recently been baptisms for a family of 7 and also new people being drawn to the church to discover faith. That very day, Bob had been invited to go and meet with someone in the afternoon who wanted to ‘find out more about who Jesus was’. The group were joined by Andy, one of the runners for the day, and prayed in the church for the community.
St Mary’s Bulwell to Market Square
Charis from Wilford joined the runners as they set out to the Market Square along a beautiful river path. On the way they were able to stop by St Leo’s Basford to meet with Lydia the vicar there, who joined the run and lead them down another serene path towards the city centre. The group were able to share in prayer for one another and for the areas they ran through, seeing countless shops, homes and communities on the way. The city centre was a great place to pause stop and pray for the many churches represented in the city, and to speak the Lord’s Prayer in the hustle and bustle of the city.

Market Square to St Wilfrid’s Wilford
The group grew further as they ran through the city with Hannah, one of the interns on the apprentice track. They took another slight detour to pray outside St Saviours in the Meadows, before joining the river Trent for the first time on the whole journey to head towards Wilford. This was a great time to share the runners liturgy, which has been prayed at the start of every run over the past week. As the group turned the corner of St Wilifrd’s they were welcomed by a lovely crowd cheering them as they arrived. The then prayed outside for the church, the community and the city for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit in our time. There was a prophetic word shared of the church stepping up to contend for their communities, and to not sit back when God is calling it forwarded.

St Wilfrid’s Wilford to St Peter’s Ruddington
The group set out with the largest pack of runners, with some just doing the first mile out of the village of Wilford. It was such a joyful time to run together, with one of our youngest runners Sam (age 10) joining the group! Conversation and prayer flowed in the group and after 5km they had arrived at the final destination for the day of St Peter’s Ravenshead. They were warmly greeted at the church and had time to pray a blessing over the church and parish. The vicar Andrew Buchanan shared particular encouragement over their alpha course where after many years of small attendance, not only were many coming, but they are all inviting their friends along too! The group were able to pray over this, and that there would be more stories of transformation.
We’re now at the final day of the run!
If you’ve been enjoying following along, we’d love to invite you to join us in a celebration at the final stop on Saturday at 1pm at St John’s Stanford-on-Soar. Come and cheer the runners as they complete the 120km route and celebrate all that has happened throughout the week.
Contact us at comms@southwell.anglican.org if you’re interested in running, joining a prayer meeting, or feel free to send a message of encouragement for those running!