Significant milestones of faith at St Anne’s in Worksop

What a wonderful Pentecost day at St Anne’s here in Worksop, as we celebrated with Edie, Aimee and John on their baptism day, marking a significant milestone in their spiritual journey.

A ceremony filled with touching moments, prayers, songs, blessings and the lighting of candles, representing the light of Jesus guiding their path.

Afterwards we continued the celebrations in the church Hall with good food, magnificent puddings as family and friends gathered with the wider church family for laughter and fellowship

As the day unfolded, it became clear that this was not just a celebration of a religious rite, but a celebration of family, friendship and the bonds that hold us together as God family. As we pray for Edie, Aimee and John we give thanks for the transforming power that Jesus can bring to our lives.

This Pentecost and these baptisms will live long in the memory and be fondly remembered by all who attended, a testament to the enduring power of faith and love Jesus brings to our lives together as God’s forgiven children.

(Thanks to Andy Bishop for the photos)

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