
In Nottingham City, there are more than 700 children in care. The 100 Homes campaign are aiming to get more Christians to become foster carers ahead of Fostering Sunday on 8 May. Melissa and Ian started fostering in August 2020. They felt called by God to foster as Melissa had experience with social services through her years as a teacher, but she always felt she could do more to provide a safe space.

A Rocha UK’s Eco Church Awards require the churches who apply to demonstrate their commitment to caring for creation, ranging from optimising energy efficiency to discussing climate change in sermons. Recently, the diocese has reached the 5% threshold of Bronze Award churches which we need to achieve a Bronze Eco Diocese Award. More than 50 of our churches are working towards their Eco Church status now, of which 16 have at least a bronze award. St Patrick’s Nuthall achieved their silver

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