Supporting Refugees in Our Diocese
All over our county, hundreds of refugees – men, women, and children – have been placed in emergency hotel accommodation. Churches have a key role to play in helping them to resettle with financial support and schemes such as Welcome Churches.
Pupils and School Leaders Inspire with Conference Stories
Delegates from across the Diocese gathered for the first in-person event many had attended since before the pandemic. There was a sense of anticipation as they listened to inspirational keynote speakers, gifted pupils and brilliant school leaders tell their stories at the Church School Leaders’ Conference: ‘My Story, Our Story, God’s Story’.
Allchurches Trust launches new emergency grants programme
Today, Allchurches Trust is launching the Afghan Evacuees Emergency Grants Programme which will support churches and Christian charities doing their bit in response to the Afghanistan evacuee crisis.
Growing Younger and More Diverse
We are pleased to announce that the Diocese has been successful in securing national Church of England funding to support our vision of Growing Disciples, reaching wider, connecting younger and nurturing deeper roots of faith. This Strategic Development Funding (SDF), amounting to £3.5m given over 5 years, will support our project, “Growing Younger and More Diverse”. It seeks to see a step change in children and families as well as youth ministry across the diocese.
New Clergy & Diocesan Staff Welcomes and Farewells
The bishops have recently led a number of licensing services for clergy who have taken up new appointments across the diocese as well as overseen parish services of welcome for those who were previously licensed online last year due to restrictions.
Appointment of New Canon Missioner, Residentiary Canon at Southwell Minster
We are happy to announce the appointment of Canon Paul Rattigan as New Canon Missioner, Residentiary Canon at Southwell
YCCN Climate Relay
The Young Christian Climate Network (YCCN) set out on a relay walk from St. Ives to Glasgow ahead of the UK hosting the COP26 in November. Between these events, there are 750 miles and 140 days as they travel through 10 cities.
Southwell Climate March
During COP26, hundreds of people marched through Southwell to show their concern for the climate as part of the Global Day of Action.
St Mellitus Offers Part-Time Ordination Training
St Mellitus East Midlands is now offering a part-time pathway for ordination training and theological education on Monday evenings in Leicester.
Sign up for RealLIFE 2021/22
RealLIFE is for anyone who wants to follow-after Jesus and into real life – living the gift of knowing God in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit and shaping the world through their discipleship. Comprised of three 10-week blocks over the course of a year, it is an opportunity to look in detail at ten aspects of discipleship that emerge from the teaching and example of Jesus. Watch the video below to hear stories from participants of last year’s course: