Easter at St James Porchester Nottingham
The Church started Holy Week open as members of the congregation had produced artwork for the Gedling Deanery Way of the Cross. We celebrated a church family Passover style meal, where Robin Aldridge from the Churches Ministry among Jews came to explain all the elements and meaning. Afterward we shared communion in church.

Good Friday involved the Walk of Witness with an open air service at Mapperley Top. Despite the rain about 60 came together from local churches.
We held our annual Easter Family Fun at St James on Holy Saturday, welcoming many families from the community into church for an Easter trail, crafts, prayer stations, cafe, and bouncy castles.

Easter morning began with a sunrise service at Gedling Country park… celebrating the joy of resurrection despite the grey mist! Maybe we’ll enjoy a sunrise next year!
Sadly, no photos from the Easter Communion service… however church looked fantastic thanks to all the wonderful volunteers; cleaning, flower arranging, and garden tidying.
And then to conclude our Easter celebrations, an all age service with 10 individuals coming for baptism! It was great to watch pre-recorded testimonies video, where many shared their journey through Alpha and making a commitment to following Jesus.