St Giles’ Church is Welcoming Owls in Cropwell Bishop

St Giles’ Church, Cropwell Bishop have been working hard on biodiversity in their churchyard. 12-year-old Alex has been leading the way. He has made a box for tawny owls from recycled wood and painted it.

With 1 in 7 of the UK’s wildlife species is at risk of extinction, churchyards are important habitats. Across England, it is estimated that 10,000 churches have churchyards. That’s the area of a small national park. It’s a precious resource which can make a huge difference to the biodiversity of the UK.

Find out what wildlife lives in your churchyard by surveying it. Once you have an idea of how wildlife uses your churchyard, you can start to plan how to manage and encourage it.

Find out more about biodiversity here.

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