Author: gary

RealLIFE is for anyone who wants to follow-after Jesus and into real life – living the gift of knowing God in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit and shaping the world through their discipleship. Comprised of three 10-week blocks over the course of a year, it is an opportunity to look in detail at ten aspects of discipleship that emerge from the teaching and example of Jesus. Watch the video below to hear stories from participants of last year’s course:

Today, on Friday 18 June 2021 we would like to share an important update about PCR2 and a message from Paul Williams, The Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham to encourage anyone who has experienced harm within the church, whether they have shared the information before, or have never shared it with anyone else, to make contact.We want to hear from anyone who has experienced abuse within a church context so that we can help signpost them to appropriate support, and learn from what

In his Advent & Christmas message for 2020, the Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham, Paul Williams offers a message of hope to every person living in each community across this diocese, especially against the backdrop of this past year with all the challenges we have been living through.Bishop Paul offers words of encouragement, “Whatever this Christmas holds for you and for our world, may God bless you, and remind us that because of Jesus, there is always hope. God’s light

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