
Southwell Minster is delighted to have achieved the Silver Eco Cathedral with ARocha, the Christian environmental charity. The Minster has held ‘Bronze’ status since 2020 but it now joins Southwell’s Holy Trinity and Jubilee House, as well as many other churches across the county in formally demonstrating a higher level of engagement. Not only does this reflect emphasis upon care for the environment in regular worship, wild-flowering sections of the Minster grounds, efficient boilers, and secondary double glazing where possible, it

St Helena's Austerfield and St Nicholas' Bawtry, both part of the same benefice, have recently received the A Rocha silver eco church award. Their curate, Liz Mack, shares some of their journey to receiving the awards below: "We are focused on changing culture across the churches, rather than simply ticking boxes to say we are doing certain things that make us eco conscious. We now have an Eco Team that regularly meets to help each other with our award submissions, and share ideas

St Giles' Church, Cropwell Bishop have been working hard on biodiversity in their churchyard. 12-year-old Alex has been leading the way. He has made a box for tawny owls from recycled wood and painted it. With 1 in 7 of the UK’s wildlife species is at risk of extinction, churchyards are important habitats. Across England, it is estimated that 10,000 churches have churchyards. That’s the area of a small national park. It’s a precious resource which can make a huge difference to

The Diocesan office, Jubilee House, has just received its’ Silver Eco award from A Rocha UK as a result of our work to improve biodiversity in the grounds. It was only a few months ago that our office received the Bronze level Eco award. Spurred on by this, our team have been busy installing bird feeding, bug, and hedgehog stations on the land around the office. We are delighted that Jubilee House has received its’ Silver Eco award!

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