Annual General Meeting & Diocesan Synod 14 May 2022
Diocesan Synod met at Samworth Academy, Mansfield, with the Archdeacon of Newark leading worship and reflecting on the Book of Revelation.
Bishop’s Address to Diocesan Synod – 14th May 2022
I want to begin my address to this Synod by thanking you all for your different ministries as the people of God across the diocese. Over these past few years through all the many challenges and changes we have been living through, I have frequently turned to one of Paul’s prayers in 1 Thessalonians 1: “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by
Living with Loss Café Easing Loneliness
The theme of this Mental Health Awareness week is loneliness, which includes those who have been bereaved. Clifton Parish have been running a monthly Living with Loss session to help ease the loneliness, it is complemented by a weekly drop in café which is open to all.
Inspiring Pupil Leaders of Collective Worship
Last week, children from fifteen Church of England schools across the diocese gathered for a Pupil Leaders of Collective Worship Conference at Southwell Minster. Children took part in four sessions to inspire their worship in school.
CO:DID20 Exhibition
In Lockdown 2020, Revd Jean Lamb, Associate Priest at All Hallows Church, Gedling, looked for a way to encourage her congregations and recreate a sense of normality. Through this, the CO:DID 20 exhibition was created. Alongside her son, designer Will McGrath, and her daughter-in-law, Ellie Buchan, Jean’s exhibition idea evolved into a way to digitally record everybody’s creative expressions. From the communities in Gedling and Lambley, they have received poetry, music, photography, crafts, art, scientific reflections – even pictures of a
Called to Foster: 100 Homes Campaign
In Nottingham City, there are more than 700 children in care. The 100 Homes campaign are aiming to get more Christians to become foster carers ahead of Fostering Sunday on 8 May. Melissa and Ian started fostering in August 2020. They felt called by God to foster as Melissa had experience with social services through her years as a teacher, but she always felt she could do more to provide a safe space.
Churches Count on Nature
Churches Count on Nature runs between 4-12 June 2022 and covers churchyards across England and Wales. It will see communities and visitors making a note of the animals, birds, insects, or fungi in their local churchyard, and the data will then be collated on the National Biodiversity Network.
An Easter Garden with a Twist
Local artist Dave Sawyer has painted a Easter Garden using an unconventional method – plastic bags!
Churches Across the Diocese Helping Ukrainian Refugees
The Diocese is partnering with other Christian communities and civil society groups across Nottinghamshire to provide support and training for those who wish to help Ukrainian refugees who are seeking sanctuary and safety here in the UK.
How You can Support Ukrainian Refugees
The Church of England has put a toolkit together which includes practical advice on what churches and individuals can do to help Ukrainian refugees. There are also details on where to donate, advice on the sponsorship routes for Ukrainians to come to the UK, an advocacy advice section as well as prayer and theological resources.