
Hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing their homelands to escape violence and persecution, as the world continues to be an unsafe place for many. In the past couple of years there have been increased numbers of people arriving in the UK from Afghanistan and Ukraine as well as many other countries. This year’s Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2023 will replenish the Welcome Fund which supports churches and projects in the Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham working with new arrivals.  Find out

St Giles' Church, Cropwell Bishop have been working hard on biodiversity in their churchyard. 12-year-old Alex has been leading the way. He has made a box for tawny owls from recycled wood and painted it. With 1 in 7 of the UK’s wildlife species is at risk of extinction, churchyards are important habitats. Across England, it is estimated that 10,000 churches have churchyards. That’s the area of a small national park. It’s a precious resource which can make a huge difference to

We are now just minutes away from Christmas Morning, but how would it be if we heard that at short notice Christmas had been cancelled this year. In the Lion, the Witch and Wardrobe, Mr Tumnus said to Lucy, “It is always winter in Narnia and has been for ever so long…always winter but never Christmas.” Can you imagine the dark nights closing in and the bitter cold of winter without the celebration of Christmas? C S Lewis understood what an unbearable

This Christmas, we have been inspired by carols. Please find contemporary renditions and reflections about the Everlasting Light. You can jump to the section you would like to view by clicking the links below. Carols Reflections Prayers Chapter House Carols Recorded in the Chapter House of Southwell Minster, these Christmas classics are a great way to reflect on this Advent season together. In the Bleak Midwinter // Chapter House Carols Performed by Joanne Arton & Luke Resch - Trinity Church Nottingham and Tom Pearson - St John's Bilborough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3WFRg001Vc O

In Bishop Paul's Advent & Christmas message for 2022, against the backdrop of a difficult year for many across the world and closer to home, he speaks about how "fear may stalk in the darkness of our sorrow and sadness or our uncertainties about the future, but it need not overwhelm us because the light of Christ, the Everlasting Light, shines in the darkness and his perfect love can cast out all fear."

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