Governance and Quality Assurance


Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel (DSAP)

The DSAP oversees safeguarding in the Diocese and is independently chaired with representatives from outside the church. Its role is to ensure proper governance of the safeguarding structures and to assist the diocese in ensuring recommendations from the national church are implemented. The DSAP links the safeguarding work of the Diocesan Safeguarding Team with partner agencies in both the statutory and voluntary sectors through joint collaboration, information sharing and mutual understanding of each other’s roles.

The DSAP includes representatives from the Police, Childrens Services, Adult Social Care, NHS, & Survivors Groups and may invite other external agencies and individuals with expertise; promotes partnership working with statutory and voluntary and community sector partners and other faith groups.

In the Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham we believe that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and is at the heart of all that we do. We are on a journey, taking all possible steps to ensure that our churches and worshipping communities are a place where all are safe and can flourish.

The DSAP plays a vital role in the mission and ministry of the Diocese, ensuring so far as possible that strategy, processes, and policies create a safe environment for all.

For full details of the remit of DSAP see terms of reference below.

DSAP Terms of Reference v 4 document

Wilkinson & Jay Reports

Summary of the Wilkinson and Jay reports

Wilkinson Report

Alexis Jay Report

National Safeguarding Standards and Quality Assurance Framework (Sep 23)

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